How Curious Are You?


What has you excited and on fire about life?



How much curiosity do you have? 


Curiosity about life and how it works?

Curiosity about what’s possible for your life?

Curiosity about how you can serve?


Curiosity allows you to keep learning, seeking and seeing what’s possible.  No matter your age. 


I love learning.  I love asking questions, learning about people and hearing their stories. 


More and more I have noticed how unique each person is.   It’s fun to watch.  For too long most people wanted to fit in.  Yet, what I’ve learned is how important it is to honor your uniqueness and let that guide your life.  Not blend in, not just get by.  That’s slowly dying. 


When you are doing what you love, your attitude, your demeanor, and your mood are more loving, kind and content.   You aren’t projecting onto others your frustration, your controlling or your victimhood.  You are alive and fun to be around.


You are here to be YOU!  I know one of the nice things about aging is that you do get rid of trying to please or doing things that others want you to do – mostly.


As one of my daily calendar quotes says, “ Get rid of the safety-value approach to living where you’re just doing things that you’re supposed to do.  Instead, take on the things that make your heart beat fast.”


Be open to becoming ALL of you.  That changes with ages and stages of life.


What is wanting to emerge in you today?  Think about how you can blossom this spring. 


Say “YES” to life.


Be curious.  What does that look like for you?  How can you bring more of YOU to the world?  Shed that which no longer is serving you.


Temple Hayes says, “Rebirthing is a strong part of our life experiences that most people have yet to make a connection with. We die often in this lifetime, and we are born again in this lifetime. Just as ocean waves move toward us and away from us with their ebb and flow, so it is with us in our human suits. We have areas in our lives that have died that we need to wake up, and we have areas in our lives that we need to truly bury and put behind us. To be thriving trees, we must honor the value of pruning.”


Are you curious about what needs rebirthing in your life?  You know.  It’s dragging you down.


Curiosity opens you up, keeps you spirited. 


Abraham-Hicks shares, “The things that we would be asking ourselves is, “What proportion of my day am I in vibrational harmony with my desires, which means, how much of my day am I happy, glad, eager, fulfilled, satisfied, complimentary?   And what percentage of my day am I ornery, irritated, frustrated or blaming?” And you don’t have to do 100%, you don’t have to do 90%, you don’t have to do 80%.  I you could even get around 55% feeling better than not feeling good —  you’d have significant movement in what begins to happen in your experience.”


Traveling opens my world and brings greater opportunities.  I love being active.  I love seeing the world.  That’s why we travel with Backroads Biking.   It opens my heart and soul.  It makes me learn so much. 


It keeps me curious.  What will I experience?  Our recent trip to Vietnam was a great cultural experience.  The Vietnamese are respectful people.  They are hard-working.  I love their amazing spirit.



Be curious about how you are living your daily life.  Are you REALLY living?


Become more conscious. Awakening has you see things you haven’t noticed.  You see more of life. 


Ask yourself how can you be more of who you are today, and how can you use that to serve others?


Let curiosity guide your life.  It keeps you alive and interesting.