Rock Your Retirement

How awesome does retirement look on you?

Are you enjoying your retirement without losing your purpose in life?

I am on a mission to change the image of aging and retirement.

(Here we are hiking Garfield Peak at Crater Lake 8,054-foot summit)

I don’t appreciate the media only portraying retired people as unhealthy and unfit.  My husband and I love to travel with Backroads Biking and Hiking to be surrounded with people who love to be healthy, no matter your age.  Just like our Yosemite trip, where there were 6 couples the youngest early 60s and the oldest mid-70s.

Age is a mindset.  According to a study in Psychological Science, the healthier you feel, the longer you live.  That’s why it’s so important to me to show lots of examples of what retirement and aging CAN look like.

I plan to highlight the possibilities for people when they retire. 

For some, they might not be able to run the marathons they used to, but you can walk them.

Or, you can be like my spin teacher, he is a 61 years old and is an Ironman.  He teaches people to participate in them, too.  He is not letting age define what is possible for him.  He has taken charge of his health and fitness.

I believe retirement is the beginning of new opportunities in life.

  • You have more time and freedom.
  • You have seen a lot of life and can use that to help others.
  • You can live your bucket list.

I am tired of people thinking that once you are retired, you have no value.

How about:

Clyde Buchanan, 81, retired oceanographer and application engineer, creates individual music playlists of more than 100 songs on IPODS for people in Memory Care and Skilled Nursing Units.  He knows that music helps these Alzheimer patients.


A fascinating new study from Merrill Lynch and the Age Wave research firm (Giving in Retirement: America’s Longevity Bonus) predicts that boomer retirees potentially will give the equivalent of $8 trillion through charitable donations and volunteering over the next two decades. (Next Avenue, October 23, 2015 by Richard Eisenberg)

Boomers and Retirees have a lot to give and contribute.

I’d like to invite you to my upcoming free Master Class…Rock Your Retirement to learn more about what can happen for you.

What if:

  • By realizing the potential and value of your experience, passion and wisdom, you can use your uniqueness to make a difference in the world?
  • By thinking about what matters to you and what’s important to you, you could design a new image of your retirement and aging years?


You can create your legacy!!!

The beliefs you hold about retirement and aging can either be empowering or detrimental to the way you live this next chapter of your life. 

  • Imagine becoming crystal clear about how to make your retirement
  • Imagine choosing activities that delight and excite you based on what you value and the lifestyle you want to live for these next decades. Freedom, Travel and Grandkids.
  • Imagine creating your legacy – a book, a foundation, paintings or a lifestyle business.

How can you use this time of your life to empower you and others?  Find out.

Sign up to be a part of my FREE live Master Class, Rock Your Retirement.

What if your life became a new model of what’s possible in aging and retirement just like Clyde and Garold’s?

The time is now.  Click here to grab your seat to Rock Your Retirement.