Feng Shui Your Life

Feng Shui is used to change the energy in your life. Whether that is for your home or your life.

Feng Shui is about bringing harmony and balance to your life.

Feng Shui suggests things like decluttering and opening spaces so energy can flow.

Where do you need to unblock some energy so you can create a calm and serene life?

What feels stuck?

Life is about flow.

Think about where you feel you are most blocked.

Is it around rooms in your house?

Is it with thoughts in your mind?

Is it with your body’s aches and pains?

Is it suppressing your emotions?

Illnesses are about being blocked. Dr. Perry Nicholson with Stop Chasing Pain shares many tips about unblocking the flow of blood and the lymphatic system.

Notice where you are resisting what is happening in your life or the world. It’s creating blockages for you whether you realize it or not.

Feng Shui is about opening up. Finding ways to have the energy flow.

You are in charge of what happens in your life.

How can you begin the process of creating space whether in your home, in your mind or in your life?

One of the simplest things I have heard about using Feng Shui was to get rid of 27 things a day. Find one room in your house, a closet, or your attic. How could you discard 27 things? Like me, we have this junk drawer in our kitchen. I know it would feel grand to trash some of the things in there – like outdated coupons or old glue sticks that have lost their zest. I know how good that would feel because we could see what’s in there.

You could become aware of your thoughts. Begin noticing where you are resisting. How could you instead just notice what is happening? Oh, yeah, I don’t really like that idea but NOT hold on to it or blow up your emotions with it.

Keep the concept of a buffet in your mind. At a buffet, there are many choices. You don’t make them wrong, resist, or go ballistic about them, you choose what you like. Contrast is meant to help you decide more about what is right for you today.

The more you notice what triggers you and not get involved with it, the lighter and more calm and serene your life can be.

Decide to use Feng Shui each day. Whether that is moving things around to feel more space, cleaning up some old habits and thoughts or bringing more joy to your life.

I know when we remodeled a few years ago, one of the factors I used in choosing what I wanted was to have things that felt light. It allowed me to get rid of lots of things that were dark and heavy. Our house feels lighter and brighter, more flow and joy.

Use simple tools like Feng Shui to make your life simpler and easier.

As children are going back to school, use this time to recreate how your life will be.

Put fewer things on your calendar.

Choose only things that give you a feeling of a 10! Get rid of all those things that aren’t close to that.

Let your life be one of harmony and balance.

Think Feng Shui.
