How Can You Make Today Wonderful?

Today is precious. It’s a gift.

If you think about it, there will never be another today.

How can you make today simply amazing? Take time to ponder that idea. Feel inside of you.

What makes for a wonderful day for you?

Is it being peaceful? Notice what that looks like for you today.

Is it sharing the day with loved ones? Or, maybe by yourself?

Is it being outdoors in nature?

I know for me, that a having a wonderful day can change. But, I know that my day becomes the best when I start my day off meditating, reading my spiritual books to get me focused on what’s most important to me, and exercising.

If I do that, I know my day can be magical even if,

Chaos comes in.

Disruptions happen.

I have grounded myself. I have decided how my mind and my focus will be.

Knowing what makes for a wonderful day for you empowers you. It makes you feel strong.

So when the wind blows, you are flowing with it rather than taken away and thrown around.

A wonderful day for me is when I can resolve frustrating situations with ease and flow. Like recently we changed internet and TV provider because the cost of the other was skyrocketing. At first, it seemed like a great deal, saving at least $150 a month. But, almost 2 months later, I’m realizing things are still not resolved. We couldn’t get the TV to show the OU game. Can’t get the internet in parts of my study. My emails quit showing up. Add to it, I lack an understanding of some of these technologies. I just want it to work. Frustrating. I think that savings might not be worth the loss of peace I’ve, we’ve encountered. Now, I have to face the music, and work on a solution. But, what I know well, is the frame of mind and the vibration I’m at, will determine the results I get. First, I must find the radio station frequency of solutions that goes with ease and flow. I have to “be that ease and flow” before any encounter with others.

I know I want a wonderful day.

What is it? Can you envision this magical day of delights?

Think about being a kid. What made you jump for joy? What brought that unbridled laughter? The joy of a friend coming over. The excitement when you got on your bike and headed over to meet a group of friends.

How can you make for a wonderful day with the simple pleasures? A big part of it is with gratitude and appreciation of what actually brings out that complete pleasure for you. It’s taking time to KNOW what matters to you having this amazing day.

Life is more simple than we make it.

Are you feeling that life just gets better and better? In one of my exercise classes this past week, one of the ladies has recently become a grandmother. She is ecstatic about it. Her daughter called her right before class and asked if she could watch her son. She was flying high. She couldn’t quit talking about how fabulous being a grandmother is, and how much she loves this new role in her life.

What makes you feel better and better? Do more of that.

Take time today to notice when your mood changes. What brings you up? Whether that is something you are thinking, something you are doing, or some way you are being.

Create more of what lightens your life.
Life is calling you to wake up. Wake up to what lifts you up, to live a more magical life.

Decide today what makes a wonderful day for you. Choose to live it.