Learning helps you move forward.
Learning is empowering.
As you think about where you are in life right now, what is it that you want to learn?
Is that because there is a passion?
Are you ready to do something you’ve always wanted to and have put off?
Is there a need? Maybe because of a sickness, phase of life?
Learning opens your mind and heart to greater possibilities. Bo and I have been doing Duolingo Spanish for about a year and a half. We laugh at how slow it’s been for us to get it. I’m better at reading it and Bo speaks it way better than I do. Neither can hear others speaking Spanish and know what they are saying. We laugh if we can pick out a word or two. We were so excited on our recent trip. We saw a sign on the highway in Spanish, and both of us immediately figured it out. Success!
Being retired you have more time to take on other projects. Bo has taken on home projects when things don’t work. It’s been fun to see and feel how good it feels to figure it out.
YouTube videos are very helpful. We understand why our grandsons want to watch them to help them figure out how to beat their games. How smart is that!
Think about something you are struggling with. Instead of seeing the problem in it, seek solutions.
Decide you are going to change the station in which you are seeing it. Just like a radio station.
Decide you want to find examples of how others have overcome the situation.
Decide you are going to learn and grow from this circumstance that is problematic for you.
Decide that your attitude will be one of trusting and believing that life is for you, and that there is something Higher here for you.
Try to take whatever is before you, and learn and grow from it. Make it a game. It’s more fun and it allows you to be in the flow of it. Rather than being in resistance and fear.
Think about all the kids and adults going back to school right now. Think about all the different feelings and situations they are in. How scary it can be to start something new, see new people, and deal with entirely new situations and ways of being.
Mostly, people give you grace and support as you begin again.
Can you give yourself some grace and kindness in the process?
How can you allow yourself to feel whatever is there, but go for whatever you are wanting to learn? Know that it can be tricky, uncertain and a long haul. Don’t make any of that wrong. Pat yourself on the back that you are willing to step up and grow in new ways.
How can you take this month, and the rest of the year, and learn something new? How can it be joyful and invigorating for you?
I love learning so when I hear some grumbling, I will say, “That sounds like old people talking.” You know – you can’t teach an old dog, new tricks. I don’t believe that. That’s a choice.
Learning allows you to see new perspectives. Like on our recent mountain bike trip to Colorado. We were on lots of rock and gravel. Some of the guys were helping me understand how to maneuver the gravel coming down steep mountains. They were helping me know how to use my gears better so I don’t slide out. I learned about the impact of tire pressure in differing environments. I was open because I wanted to ride with more ease and safety. I challenged myself to trust the situations and myself because of my new understandings. It worked. I rode more, and in lots harder places than I had done before.
Where do you need to be more open and learn something that could have an impact on your life rather than thinking you don’t have anything to learn and grow about?