Pay attention to what you focus on.
You receive what you focus on.
Your life is a living example of your focus.
Is it what you want?
Do you want to keep creating what is happening in your life or are you open to something else?
In my Living The Course, one of the exercises we did was to look at our own version of The Kingdom of Heaven versus My Tiny Kingdom of Life. As you can imagine the Kingdom of Heaven is unlimited abundance, love, peace, joy, freedom, etc. Then looking at my small self, My Tiny Kingdom, I have fenced myself with limiting beliefs and thinking. I’m in contraction. I have limited my focus and attention. It was a great way to see how we keep ourselves small, not live in the vastness we are.
I’d encourage you to really take notice of how boxed in you might be. How limited you are focusing.
I know how easy it is to lose focus. There are so many distractions today. It is why I speak to this issue. To remind you to take charge of the life you desire, to the way you’d like to live.
Dr. Kim D’Eramo talks about 4 ways we lose our energies and stay stuck if our focus is on our past, our future, our identity and others.
Are you stuck in the past? Is your past the focus of your future, Groundhog Day all over? What about the present?
Are you always looking to the future? When this happens, I will… like when I retire I will travel. Can’t you do that now?
Are you trying to live up to certain images, instead of focusing your attention on all you are? What is running your life?
Are you giving up your power to others? Allowing others to decide how your life will be. Who is really in charge of the life you are living?
I know for me, the future has captured a lot of my attention. Always chasing – the when I look this way, when I have this degree, when I’m not so busy.
How are you deciding how you will focus your attention?
Is it on your Highest and Greatest You?
Is it listening to your Soul and emotional guidance system?
The more you know what you want in your life, and align how you act in life with that, the more satisfying your life will be. But, it takes focus in the direction of what you want.
Throughout your day, notice ways you are distracted and taken away from the tasks at hand. Then notice how much of your day is focused on your dreams, your soul’s desire.
Awareness and consciousness are the tools for today’s peace and joy in life.
The more you know yourself, what you desire and how you are being in your world, the easier it will be for you to self-correct your attention.
To keep you on track, add reminders on your phone twice a day.
The more you keep your focus and attention on what you desire, the quicker you will receive.
Create some discipline and watch how your life is blessed with what you want.
Focus matters.