Dare to Be Greater, Even This Old

I received my September, 2016 AARP Bulletin, and saw this article that spoke loudly to me, Getting Rich After 50, Harnessing your entrepreneurial spirit can lead to wealth.

I like the thought of that because that is what I am engaged with.  Trying something I’ve never done before. Creating an online business. I am crazy in love with the fun and possibilities.  And challenges.  


I want to share what’s possible.  Too often you have a limited perspective of what can be. And, the media most often shows models of  barely getting by and losing value as you age.

My mission is to have more positive models of aging and retirement.

My business is all about helping people be their best, no matter their age.

With my Thriving in unRetirement program just out, I’m always looking for examples of what Boomers and Retirees are doing with this time of their life.

This article highlights seven (7) people who found their fortune after 50. Each person is capitalizing on something that matters to them. It shows how they did it.

One example was Carol Gardner, 70, who turned her English bull dog into a licensing empire.  She turned her obstacle of a divorce, into best-seller of Hallmark cards – The Zelda Wisdom product line.

It can be possible for you too!

Find resources that talk to you.  Find things that you are passionate about.  Find ways that promote living healthy, vibrant and fulfilled.  Here are some resources that you can sign up for:

  1. livingbetter50.com

For women with spirit.  They have articles like:

Why Exercise Is Good For You At Any Age

                        Live in a Place That Promotes a Healthy Lifestyle

  1. Life Reimagined https://lifereimagined.aarp.org Is a website to help you become     more of who you are.  They offer on line classes on a variety of topics to keep   you engaged and your mind sharp.
  1. http://www.aarp.org/ Disrupt Aging

The CEO of AARP, Jo Ann Jenkins, is focused on changing what happens to the Boomer population too.  She wrote this book and has organized groups around the topic to help Boomers thrive in this time of their lives.

Join the movement. 

You are still here because you have something greater to give. 

Use my work.  Contact me. dottiehager.com and my Thriving in unRetirement work. Sign up for a complimentary session to help you get started.

  • I help you find your uniqueness and turn it into your legacy.
  • You have gifts and talents.
  • You have your experiences – the peaks and valleys that you can use to help others live a better life as well as you.

What’s calling you?

Dare to be greater today than yesterday.