Raising Your Bar To Live More Abundantly


Did you know there are more people who don’t act on their dreams than do?


Do you realize that wisdom can only be accomplished through living life not by buying it?


Are you thinking about living more abundantly?


You can change your perspective.


Life is helping you raise your bar – if you allow it.


It is about trusting life is for you. That whatever happens is done for you, not to you. It’s about stretching you to be the highest and greatest you. It’s about accepting the ups and downs of life knowing you are evolving through each stage and cycle. Knowing there is more going on than the situation you are experiencing.


There are blessings in everything. It’s up to you to look for them and move with them.


How you see the world is how the world comes to you. You are creating your reality.


Are you creating struggle and hardship or are you creating joy and fulfillment?


Creating an abundant life isn’t just about accumulating things but about a knowing that you will be provided what you need. Feeling blessed for all you have.


You create success or abundance because you BELIEVE you deserve it.


As Eric Butterworth says, “Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things.”


Pay attention to the decisions you are making. Are they from abundance or scarcity thinking? Some of my morning reminders are:


I prosper at every turn.


I am one with all the good there is all the love and all the peace there is.


I can’t wait to receive the good that is on its way to me.


Today I wake with JOY expecting but the HAPPY THINGS of GOD to come to me.


Chart Your Abundance


Circle the number that best represents the abundance in your life for each of these areas.

Then pay attention to the stories you are telling around your abundance in these areas – health, wealth, peace, etc.

Clarity is power.


If your abundance is not where you want, find one area you want new results. Write out what your desires are in that area. Then create your future story. Make a vision board. Use Pinterest to help you visualize and feel excited. It’s in the feelings that you can make it a reality.


After you have that one nailed, start on another area.


You have the power to create the abundance you desire in your life.


I love looking at my scale and see how far I have come. I love how peaceful my life is. How much more kindness guides my life.


What is it you want for your life?


Raise your bar to a more abundant life. You deserve it. You deserve to have whatever you want.


You have to believe it to see it.