Saying Yes To Yourself Each Day


How do you honor yourself each day?


How do you take care of your body, mind and spirit each day to be at the top of your game?


I know women of my generation were told it was selfish to think of yourself. It was your job to take care of everyone else.


Yet, as I have grown over the years I’ve seen how many women are depleted and exhausted from this mindset.


Depression had ballooned in the last decade, one of the leading causes of disabilities.


What is something you have put off that you have wanted to do for a while?

Is it getting a massage or pedicure?

Is it building your sewing room?

Is it setting boundaries so you can have free time to do whatever you want?                           

Is it taking a trip to someplace you want to go even if your partner doesn’t  want to go there?


What are the messages you are telling yourself about why these can’t happen?

You’re not good enough.

It’s selfish.

You don’t have the money or time. Too many other priorities.

Your partner won’t let you.


What I know for sure now, is that when I am filled up, I can give so much more and feel wonderful about it. When I have taken care of everyone else without taking care of what I know is good for me, I become resentful and exhausted.

I know when I am growing and contributing I am fulfilled.

I know when I exercise my being is joyful and content. My body moves so much more easily. 

I know when I have pampered myself, I feel on top of the world.


You are worthy of the life you desire. And, it starts with you saying “YES”!


And, a wonderful thing happens. You have more to give when you and your desires are fulfilled. When you are living in that place, you will inspire others and let them know they, too, can say “Yes” to themselves.


I want to help you empower yourself. I want you to feel good more of the time.

I want you to know that you are worthy of having whatever you desire.




For most people, it’s not big things, it’s the little pleasures of life that fill you up.

Live your life by design.


Start noticing how many times in a day you think about something you want, and then blow it off. Notice the excuse or story you are telling. Write it down. Ask yourself if that is true.  


Most often, it’s just your perception of what could happen. It’s usually stories you have told yourself about what you can do or have the right to do in your life.


If your intention is to be healthy, do healthy things. Take time for that exercise or choose the healthy food you know is good for you even though you might think it’s expensive or unnecessary. You are worth it.


If you want to have some fun, go out and do things that make your days full of fun. Join that quilting group or go on a spa trip with girlfriends.


It’s time to break free.


You must declare what you want and design your life around that which you want.


  1. Use Byron Katie’s worksheet from The Work. to help you see another perspective. To begin the transformational process.


  1. Keep track of how many times you say “Yes” to yourself each day.   Make that number bigger and bigger.


You are worthy. As Marianne Williamson says best:

 “You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”


Say YES to you!