What is it that you really, really, really, really want in your life?

What is it that you really, really, really, really want in your life? Do you have a clear picture of that? What could you do to create it, feel it, and believe it could be your reality? As we begin a new year, it is the perfect time to begin thinking about exactly what you want in your life. Get clear about it. Do something every day to create it. Start with creating a vision of it. How does it feel when you have it? Feel the excitement, the joy, the abundance of it in your life. Keep those feelings for at least 17 seconds and you will create a shift in energies for it to become closer to a reality for you. What are your thoughts about your desire? Are they all the reasons why it can’t happen? It’s not our job to figure out exactly how it is to happen, it’s our job to create it and believe it will happen. Catch yourself and the thoughts you are thinking. We often think more about what we don’t want, than what we want. Are you falling into that trap? The more we can vision and really feel what we want the universe can provide it for us. Shift your thinking to focus on what you really, really want. Your life will change.