How would you describe your 2022?
Has it been a monumental year of growth?
Did you retire and readjust your lifestyle and value?
Was this a breakthrough year for you?
Would you describe it as unusual because of differing trends?
Did you feel a great amount of freedom?
Was it a hard year for you?
Take time to dig into what happened and also how you felt about the situations you encountered.
Look for new ways of looking at your world.
Find the meaning.
Use all that mattered to you for this year. How did you prevail in leading with things that mattered to you rather than a busy life, habits, or demands of others?
If you shed some light on the darkness in your life, celebrate that. I do not regret it didn’t happen sooner. The timing is right. Life will show you when something wants to be revealed or when it’s time to let go of it.
Pay attention to the patterns in your life. How are they serving you, or not? Like “fighting for your rights.” Fighting for anything brings more to you. How can you shift that and be for whatever moves you – like be for yourself – honor yourself, value yourself, or for anything else, just not fighting against?
There’s a huge difference energetically when you are in resistance to something and when you allow or open up to the situation. You are attracting two different worlds.
As you assess your 2022, where were you in resistance? How did that play out for you? Did you see more of what you didn’t want? Are you stuck and didn’t understand why?
How thankful are you for the experiences of 2022?
Gratitude is the greatest prayer you can say.
The trick is to be thankful for all you are given. So easy when things are going well. The mind goes crazy wondering why you should be grateful for the challenging times.
As you move to your Higher Self, you realize that all situations are happening for you.
Sometimes to break you open and move you from your head to
your heart.
Sometimes to help you see the world from a new perspective like
when I hurt my hamstring and was SO VERY grateful to walk, bike
and hike again. It made me realize how lucky I am to have a body
that allows me such freedom and capacity to move as I please.
Acknowledge whatever is, to be there for you. Don’t sugarcoat or spiritually bypass wherever you find yourself as this year ends.
If you can take the time to weave together 2022 for yourself, you will see how powerfully orchestrated life is for you. Go through each month and highlight events and situations for yourself. Ask yourself “why” they captured your attention. Then notice if there are similar themes throughout the year. For me, I felt a lot of autonomy and sovereignty.
Did you notice how God was opening you to something greater?
As Vernon Howard shares the importance of reaching higher, “An individual can go as far as he wishes. How can he generate greater power for advanced adventures? He can: Not live within a small corner of himself.”
Are you playing small?
Are you dismissing the events of 2022 that were placed before you to help you evolve and become more of who you were created to be? If you have, no worries, you will receive more knocks that will garner your attention. Often, more difficult situations that “force” you to take notice. Like an illness that requires you to slow down or become more grateful for what you have.
How have you seen how your life events have been placed in your life to help you evolve?
Share with me what you’ve noticed.