The world needs more love, and it can begin with you. Love does no harm.
Love raises your vibration.
Love opens your heart.
Love brings more kindness.
The more love you give, the more you receive.
Stop for a moment and ask yourself, “Do you live more of your life from your head – masculine, doing, proving yourself?” Or “do you live more from your heart, your feminine energy of goodness, love and concern of how things feel?”
Sad to say, I lived mostly from my head, getting things done and being effective at all costs. In fact, some of my biggest regrets.
There is a time for both living from your heart and living from your head. Each part is important, but the most powerful part you have is your heart.
If you were like me, there weren’t decisions made from any place but my head. I thought that was how to do life. It has been a big journey of mine to live more from my Highest.
For years, I participated in a group that focused on feminine energy. I didn’t have an understanding or a thought about feminine energy. I hadn’t thought about how much of our society was based on masculine energy: force, success, and achievement. Not that they are bad, but certainly out of proportion to live the healthiest and highest life.
What I now know is how much I need to listen from my heart, lead from my heart, and connect from my heart. Feminine energy. Then, once I tap into that power, I can move forward doing what needs to get done.
I know how much more powerful I am when I have been powered by love, compassion, and kindness.
I know I have tapped into the power of God. Because I believe God is love, God is goodness. When I’m in that state, I’m leading and living from my Highest vibration and energy. I am more powerful than ever.
As the book Power versus Force, The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior by Dr. David Hawkins says, “ The book is a guide to spiritual growth and self-realization. It reveals ways to live a life of higher consciousness. … “Love is more powerful than hatred; truth sets us free; forgiveness liberates both sides.”
Hawkins goes on to say, “Force can bring satisfaction, but only power brings joy. Victory over others brings us satisfaction, but victory over ourselves brings us joy.” Force might lead to short-term satisfaction, but never to true happiness.”
Where are you on Hawkin’s map of consciousness? How can you use this to level up living more from love? Wherever you are on the chart, look at the next level up. Spend time doing things that could raise your energy until you are finally at the top of the chart. It takes years, but every action and thought at a higher level can raise the consciousness of all.
Think about the small ways you can add more love to the way you live.
How can you add more love and warmth throughout your house? Is each room welcoming and open? Do the rooms need some open space to flow and allow energy to expand?
Begin to say more loving words to yourself.
Look for love all around rather than spending time listening to the news and other media. Why are so many people mesmerized by the Travis Kelcie and Taylor Swift relationship? It feels like pure love, and they are enamored with each other. We want more of that.
Let love be the first thing you think about instead of everything you must do. Feel how much peaceful and calm that feels.
Just like my word of the year – Generous. How can I be more “generous” and live from love?
As Mooji says, “Let your first expression be one of openness, warmth, and love, not suspicion. It’s God’s way — Welcome!”
Everything in your life is a reflection of your consciousness. The more you think and feel about love, the more it is your life.
Maria Shriver shared in her Sunday’s Paper, January 14th edition, “As we head into this election season, I invite you to lead with love and ask others to do the same. It takes tremendous inner strength and fortitude to do so. It requires parking your ego at the door. It requires intention and humility and might require you to change your mind about a thing or two. Only love can safely handle power.”
How do those words speak to you? To help you do your part in this divided nation?
Love is powerful.
Love in your mind produces love in your life.
Remember 2% more love can change your life, our world. Find small ways each day to bring in more love.
How can you let love lead your life?