Can It Help Lift You When You Remember To Look To The Light?


Over 200,000 deaths from coronavirus.  5-weeks until elections.  Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away.


The statistics are staggering.  The news is dismal.  The upheaval is overwhelming.


What are you doing to take care of yourself?


How can it help you to remember to look to the light?  Look to what brings you joy, what feels good. 



Take time to KNOW what that is for you. 


Acknowledge what that is. 

Appreciate everything in your life that lifts you up.


Make sure you are being conscious of what you are attracting to you and all around.


There has never been a better time to remember to look and talk about what you desire rather than what you don’t want.


You receive more of what you focus on.


Remember looking to the light is looking at what you want.


Go overboard looking to what’s light-heartened and easier on your nerves.


What you desire is looking to the light, the hope and the possibilities for you. 


Make sure your energy and feelings are more for what you desire than what you don’t want.  I know for me at times it’s easier to think about what I don’t like and rant about that.  Don’t do that.  That’s the energy you attract. 


Exaggerate, ramp up whatever provides you light, calm and an easy feeling life.


In my Miracle Distribution newsletter this week, Beverly wrote about “The Lesson in A Sunflower.”  She talks about, “The sunflower has a message of truth to share with us:  It always looks to the light.  As it grows, the face of the flower constantly turns to the sun in the east and follows the sun throughout the day as it moves to the west.  At sunset, it bows its head to the west, and during the night, it agains turns to the east anticipating the dawn of light.”


What is the light you will focus on in the morning and evening?


Your job in 2020 is to surrender to the light.  Keep that your focus. 


Understand that we all need each other.  We need to be lifted.  We need support, love and compassion more than ever. 


Our darkness needs healing.  And the only way to heal is to bring that to the light.  Just like when you turn on the light in a dark room, the darkness is transformed.


As Martin Luther King, Jr says, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”


The darkness we are all experiencing is calling each and every one of us to help heal ourselves and the planet.  It’s not letting us sugarcoat or control the circumstances.  Life is demanding deeper work.  Too much has been covered up.


Alchemize those parts of yourself that you have made wrong.  Like anger or being sad.  Your feelings are there to alert you that something isn’t right for you, not that you shouldn’t feel them.  Acknowledge them.  Ask what they are sharing with you and move through them.  It’s when you are stuck, or if your feelings are stuffed or if they are out of balance that damage can be done.


It’s time to shift the energy. 


Forgive yourself.  Forgive others.  Have compassion for yourself and others.


Life can be hard. 


What can you use as a reminder to follow the light?  A sunflower, a child’s picture?


It’s time to lift yourself out of the fear from all the external circumstances and find the love in you and life.


What light are you following?
