How can paying attention to your feelings help you live a happier life?
Your emotional guidance system is your ticket to YOUR Truth, your desires and what you were created to do in this lifetime.
The journey of life is finding yourself. It entails letting go of beliefs and thoughts you’ve been taught, construed, or perceived to be real but in actuality can be holding you back because they aren’t right for you.
Growing up you learned patterns and ways of being from your family, your church and institutions around you. Most of their intention was meant to be helpful for you to live a good life. But, often, it is taking you away from what is real for you. The parent who says, “You can’t make a living being an artist” and yet, your life is calling you towards that profession.
One of the things I have realized in doing work on Thriving in unRetirement is how many people are going back to what they love – writing, painting or speaking. We weren’t allowed to follow our heart. Finally, living their Truth in their last chapter of life.
Another thing, I’ve learned personally is how my intellect has certainly helped me but it also has taken me away from listening to my inner guidance, my Truth. For instance, I thought I knew better. I thought I was to be the decision maker. I realized how much I thought I was to take care of everything in my life. How narcissistic and conceited is that? Old school thinking for sure. Limited 3rd dimensional ideas too.
How limiting is it that I thought I knew better than God, than inviting all the Universe, angels, guide and everyone before me to help lift me or guide me?
Definitely not the way I was taught, and why it’s so important to keep learning and listening to your heart.
There is a bigger world than your mind.
Your gut, your feelings and your heart can guide you to your truth.
Abraham-Hicks has said listen to your emotional guidance. It will lead you in the right direction for YOU.
For example, if you have some button-pushers, then God or the Universe is guiding you to stop and pay attention to what is happening. Use the reaction as an opportunity to align more with what’s right for you at that moment. It’s time to choose to go in a different direction, closer to your inner wishes and who you are.
You will know what is right for you. I know for me, too often, I’ve let my mind take over – rationalize or prove it’s worthiness later to know my gut was right.
Don’t let your mind, past beliefs or patterns override what your feelings are telling you.
Notice the thoughts you are having that are keeping you down.
Then, figure out how you could shift to be in a better feeling place.
Feelings are reactions you choose to have in respond to your thoughts.
How are you allowing your mind to overrule your feelings or emotions?
Become conscious of how you are living your life. To what is guiding your life – is your mind mostly telling you what to do? That’s your ego, a lower place.
Or, are you allowing your feelings and gut reactions to nudge you to a new place more aligned with your Highest and Greatest Self?
The path to a happier life is to be aligned with who you are and what life is offering you by listening to your feelings and your heart.