Exploring Your Hero’s Journey


Are you struggling with where you are in life? Depressed with feeling life is lonely and sad? Feeling trapped and overwhelmed?


Life has to get bad enough for you to want to do something differently. Did that heart attack help wake you up to finally say, “It’s time to take care of me and my health?” To quit making excuses and stick with something rather than looking for the easy way out with another pill.


Have you had enough? The road of life is rugged.


Ready for the hero’s journey? The call to adventure? Finding your True Self?



You have the choice – do you accept or refuse the call?


Is it worth it? Am I willing to risk going into unknown territory? Can I let go of the way it was?


As Joseph Campbell says, “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.”


“You enter the forest

at the darkest point,

where there is no path.


Where there is a way or path,

it is someone else’s path.


You are not on your own path.


If you follow someone else’s way,

you are not going to realize

your potential.”

                                                Joseph Campbell


I know when you become conscious of how life works, life becomes magical. It’s all perfectly orchestrated. Not easy, but freeing.


You become an explorer. Something captures your attention for you to go in a new direction.


I know my hero’s journey began when I left the Catholic Church after 40 plus years following my divorce. It no longer felt right for me. It had boundaries that were too confining and judgmental for me. It’s like I was pushed out the door.


I began looking for a new direction.


Then, you begin a unique experiment of questioning your way of thinking and your choices. You begin seeing things in a different way.


At first, I’m not sure I was always willing to seeing the expansiveness before me, but, I did take the steps beyond what I knew.


I didn’t know where I was going but I couldn’t go back. I needed to find a place where I fit based on where I was in my life at that time.


You discover yourself all over again.


You find a path that feels right for you, not what other’s had planned for you or probably even what you had planned for yourself. Lots of self-discovery. I found The Course of Miracles, I learned about a Loving God. As The Course says, “Everything un-like itself will be shown to you,” It tests your beliefs.


I found Science of Mind – Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life. I found out how much I aligned with their principles. It felt right. I realized I had a say in the way my life would go. I was no longer a victim of circumstances. I felt empowered. More than I had ever felt.


Life helps you define what is right for you if you listen to your intuition and your inner wisdom. When you do there is a calmness, your choices feel right.


I took classes. I found a church that taught these principles.


I realized how my life began changing. My world was more joyful, loving and abundant.


I had tools to direct my life, to create the life I desired.


I had tools to help me handle the peaks and valleys that came my way.


I found more of me.


There’s lots of uncertainty. It can also be ugly, painful and humbling along the way.


The human mind wants to prove itself right above all else.


As you discover a bigger world – more compassion, more loving, you realize the limitations you were seeing or believing from. There is a need for lots of forgiveness and kindness to yourself in this hero’s journey of a spiritual awakening.


If only I had a belief that all of life was a learning lesson instead of I was bad, wrong or stupid, how much easier it would have been. My monkey mind wouldn’t have kept me down for so long.


There are powerful life lessons when you are true to yourself. It takes work. It takes courage.


The truth will set you free.


There is a freshness to what is happening to you. It makes you feel young again even though you are on shaky ground.


During this stage of the hero’s journey, it’s easy to go back, to stay with the familiar, but you will lose the bigger opportunity of living a more meaningful and fun life.


Life is easier once you’ve crossed beyond the old and released yourself. You go from the pain to peace.


You see how something new is calling you. The life you were called to live. More than the physical, material world of day-to-day responsibilities that can become boring and dull.


The more you free yourself, the more you feel and live.


Is it time for you to go within and follow the hero’s journey to find YOUR True Self?


Where are you at a crossroads?


Be willing to let go of who you are to become who you are meant to be. Become more authentic. Shed your beliefs from the collective, from your past. Find ones that are true to who you are right now. Stay in the process of unveiling more and more of yourself. Find people who can support you and help you in the process of discovering who you really are.


It keeps you interesting. It keeps life meaningful and purposeful.


You live Higher and Higher and freer and freer.


You are a different person, you have a new perspective on life.


You find yourself and feel the bliss of life.