Freedom To Live The Life You Want


Your mind controls your life. Until you take charge. Those 60,000 thoughts in a day you have, 80-90% are repeated from the day before, and 75% of them are negative.


No wonder people feel like they are stuck or life is defined for them, no freedom.


I recently attended a workshop for our online entrepreneur mentoring group in Los Angeles. As part of our discussion, we were asked to describe the ultimate result we wanted for our clients.


And, I said – The Freedom To Live The Life They Want.


Does that happen overnight? Absolutely, not.


It is a lifetime process of discovering what’s important to you now – in this phase of your life. Or, this day, because of situations or circumstances that have happened to you.


Like, one of my teachers was recently diagnosed with colon and liver cancer. Her focus has changed dramatically in just a few weeks. Freedom looks different for her now.


Today, I have more freedom with my time to do more of what I want.


But if I hadn’t freed myself from my limiting beliefs or shoulds, I’d still be captive to my people pleasing behaviors, the way my mother structured what a woman did or from the pressure of trying to be the best, and on and on.


What about you? Have you wondered how to free yourself whether that’s mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually?


Perhaps you have a difficult time saying ‘no’ to others. Your belief is that it is selfish to think about your own needs. But, take a moment and think about your own well-being. Are you exhausted from saying ‘yes’ to everyone because you were afraid to say ‘no’? Remind yourself that no one will benefit from your help unless you are in a positive state of mind.


It’s the freedom to choose to do things you want is the message I want to convey.

You probably will do many of the same things. The difference is in the underlying feelings about the choices you are making that will change your life. Your “yes” is because it fits with what’s important to you, not from obligation or how it’s supposed to be.


Why is freedom to live the life you want important to me?


I know the difference it’s made in my life in my joy, peace and fun.


Because for me so long, I wasn’t free – mentally and emotionally.  


I wanted other’s approval.


I had lists of rules and regulations of what I needed to do and how I needed to do them. And, thought I must live by them given to me by my family, church and culture.


I didn’t understand how much freedom meant to my joy, peace and contentment.


I see too many people stuck, depressed and frustrated with life. They feel like everyone else is directing their life.


As women, we can take great lessons from men.


They do what they want and don’t apologize about it.

They aren’t afraid to tell you what they are going to do. They don’t ask.

They take “me” time whenever.  


Where can you begin so you have the freedom to live the life you want?


First, believe you can have the freedom to choose what you want. Next, figure out what you want at this time in your life. Finally, believe you can have the freedom you want.


List all the things you want to do, be or have. Freedom to have a voice in conversations, freedom to come and go as you want, and freedom to dress like you want. Whatever you want.


As Abraham-Hicks says, everything you want is so you will feel good. What is that for you?


Freedom for me is do what I want – like play with grandkids, participate in my mentoring cadre, coach clients, have my own time, have walks with Bo, go to the spa, travel, or belong to a fitness club.


I’ve realized how important being financially independent is to me. Since being retired, I don’t have the “fun” salary I had before. I realized how much I enjoyed the freedom to use that money for the “extra fun” things we could do, like travel to Machu Picchu or plan family trips.


It’s not just about travel because, as you know, we travel a bunch. But, for me, there’s a special feeling when I can create that trip and I am able to pay for it. It’s my way of giving something special.


My quest then is to find a way to be financially independent so I can give and do the things I want.


Just like for you. Notice where your freedom is gone. Is it all those negative thoughts swirling in your mind? What about physically? Or spiritually?


Time to reclaim the freedom you want.


It takes some reflection and digging deep into layers. You must listen to your heart and soul, not your head that is tied to the rules and regulations of how you are supposed to do life.


Let me help you. That’s fun for me. Helping you define what you want. Then, creating plans for that to happen for you.


Let this time of year remind you to live the life you want and have the freedoms you desire.