This time of year it might not be so easy to remember the most important things in life are our friends and family. With the hustle and bustle of the holidays, we often get caught up in all the pressure of the parties or activities we have to go to, the financial worries of affording the gifts we’d love to give, meeting the needs of others or the anxiety of pleasing others. We forget to slow down and savor in the reason we are able to do all these things. What a gift it is to have friends or colleagues that invite you to parties or events.
How could you shift your thinking about the pressure of having to go to these events to one of gratitude that I have been “gifted” to have people around me that care enough about me to invite me? We read every day about people that are homeless or without others in their lives. How blessed we are to have others that care about us. How could you shift the worry about affording gifts to one of knowing that whatever you give from the heart is received with love? Some of the best gifts I have received are the words my friends and family write in a card or a note, or the times they stopped by to say hello. As a people-pleaser myself, it is easy to feel the anxiety of trying to make sure I have done what others want. The key is to balance this need. This is our life, and we need to make sure that as we please others, we have not neglected ourselves.
During this holiday season, honor yourself by making sure each week you take time for yourself too. For me, that is exercising with my friends and family, and spending time just being with my friends and family. When I make sure that I do those things most important to me, I can enjoy the hustle and bustle of all I have to do. So, as the pressures mount for the season events, I am able to truly feel blessed with all I have in my life rather than feel drained and worn out from the external demands of the holiday season. How are you choosing to experience this holiday season? Is it running you, or are you choosing to enjoy the season’s opportunities?