Get Rid of Overwhelm Once and for All

What area of your life needs your attention – spiritual, mental, fun, relationships, fun, financial, emotional, fun, or career?

Where can you use the energy of springtime to revitalize your life? In one of my Facebook groups, the leader asked what words of wisdom would you tell your 18 year old self. My comment was to laugh more, not take life so seriously. What would be your message? How can you use your wisdom to create the life you love, and get out of overwhelm?

Let springtime inspire you.

 I love this time of year!


It’s refreshing, renewing, and energizing. There is new growth in yards, gardens and wildlife.

In order to have space for the new to blossom and stand out, it’s necessary to trim back the old and clean out the debris.

Life is like that.

Although, too often in life more is added without remembering to let go of the old, thus overwhelm.

Each season is a stage to become more of who you are meant to me. How can you allow the gifts of springtime to balance your life?

Free yourself. Where is it time to weed and trim back that which is no longer serving you?

  • Take a moment and really feel where you are feeling heavy burdens rather than joy in your life.
  • Clear out those situations that are no longer a priority based on the vision you now have for your life.
  • Notice if you are emotionally worn out and have taken on too much responsibility. Nature has a wonderful way of nurturing you- take a hike, sit outside and listen to the birds, build a sandbox.

Let this be a time for new growth, new outlook doing what you love for your life TODAY. What is something you would love to create? Is it creating deeper relationships, starting a garden of fresh produce to be used at your meals, or adding exercise to your life? What is it for you?

Allow this time of year to remind you it’s time to resurrect and bring some joy, fun and new life back to you!

Share with me how SPRINGTIME is inspiring you and your life.


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