On this journey to awaken to my greatest self, I am always questioning am I better person today than I was yesterday. Since I know our thoughts create our reality, I am wondering what are my thoughts today? Are they the same thoughts I thought yesterday? Or am I willing to grow and think about the life I’d like to live today, and change my thinking to support the new me I aspire to be? It’s a humbling process and a constant focus.
As we were planning for my new website, Katie wanted some pictures to add to it. A strange thing happened when I first saw the website and pictures of me on it. It felt joyful and exciting, yet thought provoking, something was off. I couldn’t understand it at first because I sent her some pictures of the things I love to do and of the places we love to go. We love to travel and be outdoors – biking, hiking, exploring, or anything to enjoy nature. It is what makes my heart sing. It brings me great joy, and awakens my spirit of adventure.
Yet, something inside of me went crazy. My internal critic took over blasting me about my site not being “professional” looking. My critic says there is a certain way you dress and act if you want people valuing what you have to offer. Since I was standing on top of some rocks in the ocean wearing my running shorts, what image am I projecting? How could anyone think I could be taken seriously when my page looks fun and alive? And, then I realized for us to grow to our greatest self, we have to be willing to free ourselves of thoughts, actions and beliefs that no longer serve us. I realized that I don’t have to “look” a certain way to be of value to others. I do want people to know life is meant to be fun and freeing. I want to be able to help people free themselves of shoulds, negative self-talk, limiting beliefs, and things in our lives that no longer serve you. So my hopes are that when you see the pictures, something inside of you wakes up to want to be more of who YOU are.
I know on this journey to “Awaken to a New You,” we have to be willing to grow, to become a more authentic version of ourselves every day. So today, I love these pictures because for me it represents my journey, my loves, and who I am proud to be.
Where in your life do you need to free yourself from something holding you down? What are some old beliefs that no longer serve you? What shoulds could you release from your life? Is fear guiding your life or are you doing what you love? Commit to making a change today with some old pattern or habit that is no longer serving you.