Have You Slipped Off The Path And Need Some Inspiration To Keep Going?


Here we are in July. Half of 2018 is already gone. What are you most proud of that you have become? Or, that you have accomplished?

What have you let go of?

The need to be right?
Worry over how you are perceived?
Someone who drains your energy?

One of my Facebook Lives had numerous comments about would you rather be happy or right. It was so telling because for many of us, the need to be right was more prevalent in earlier days and now the desire to be happy is at the top of our list.

That’s big and freeing.

So it is possible to change and to let go of previously held beliefs to make your life more loving and fulfilling.

How does your life look differently from when 2018 began?

Did you start a weight loss program?
Did you decide to date again?
Did you start a new hobby?

Have you let go of your dreams or goals? Do you need help and support to get there?

Using success habits allow you to achieve what you are after. It’s crazy how I can be so consistent on many things like doing my daily tips and writing my weekly blog. But then, staying away from dairy, gluten and sugar hasn’t happened and my belly shows it. I know the benefits.

It is why the people who have the most success have an accountability partner — a friend they exercise with, a personal trainer or a life coach.

Know good things happen over time. Did you quit too quickly? Could more consistency help you? Is unrealistic thinking derailing you?

I know for me, many of the things I have been working on are the inner game things.
For instance:

Be less attached to situations and circumstances. They don’t always have to be the way I want them to be.

Be more appreciative rather than critical.

Be more courageous when I’m uncertain — like doing the Facebook Lives.

They aren’t big, but make a big difference in what I want for my life and how I live. I’m not always so good about them but I have reminders to get me back on track.

I’ve noticed my shift is more about being than having, experiencing than getting.

Maybe as you reflect upon what you set out to do in 2018, you focused on things that really weren’t that meaningful for your life. Or, was it, you just need help in getting there?

I know I always do better with the support and guidance of others who have gone where I want to go.

Use this halfway mark in 2018, to reignite and refocus on what’s most important to you.

What do you need to keep moving forward?

Sharing your dreams with others who have your back, help make it a reality. Send me an email at dottie@dottiehager.com and tell me what you want in your life for the second half of 2018.

Decide and commit to living that.