Today is a gift.
As you wake up, I hope you set your day’s intentions. For your day to go the way YOU want it to go.
Life is about discovering who you are and how you can live by expressing yourself. Boy, I wish I had known that sooner.
As you think about your life today, what areas are you enjoying?
Where are you struggling or out of alignment with what you desire or want for your life?
Notice if you are spending more time focused on your challenges or what you desire.
Remember, you are given what you think about it. More of what you don’t want or what you do want?
As you think about a past event or situation you regret, can you put it in perspective? That was one point in time, maybe one chapter in your life. But have you made it the story of your life?
How, instead, could you use that as a gift so you can enjoy your life today?
For instance, after my divorce, I learned about relationships – with myself and others. I became a life coach because I saw that as a dark part of my life. It has become an awakening to a more extraordinary life and infinite possibilities.
Today, I live for each day. I realize how blessed I am. Yes, those were hard times, hurtful moments, things I had to forgive, and painful situations, but it was a chapter in my life, not what I need to repeat and talk about how hard life is today because of it.
You create the life you desire from what you are given.
You have a choice.
Feel empowered rather than powerless.
How can you enjoy today?
I know where I am; there is sunshine today.
I have good health.
I’m blessed with a fabulous husband, children and grandkids.
I get to go to exercise class today and take a walk.
I could go on and on.
What are you magnifying? Are you enjoying your life today or staying focused on the rough patches?
It’s springtime. Life is giving you an opportunity to lighten up and be more of growing things you desire. Just like your garden, remove the weeds, and yes, parts of them might come back, but focus on what you planted, the beauty, the colorful, the differences.
Decide today to focus on how you are enjoying your life. It is how you created it. If it’s not how you like it, create a new plan. What would that be for you—more fun, more light-heartedness? Go fishing, have a picnic, or dance your heart away.
Put more joy in your life. That’s the way your life was meant to be. More God-like, joyful, full of goodness that’s special to you.
Reach out to someone, make their day special, and see how your heart opens up.
How are you enjoying your life today? Make that your focus each and every day.