How Are You Thriving in These Changing Times?


I’ve thought a lot about the changes I’ve felt as the world has been asked to stay home.  


As the saying goes, your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.  If your mind is racing, judgmental and chaotic that is the world you will see in your life.


I was thinking about my quest for thriving in unretirement.  My mantra or tag line is to live healthy, vibrant and fulfilled. That is what I want for my life, but it’s also what I want for your life, and others too.  It makes life more fun.


I want to help people wake up to what’s possible for their lives just by paying attention a little bit more each day.  It’s those little changes that can create a healthier more vibrant life.  Sometimes, just the reminder to look for the beauty instead of the craziness.  Find the joy in the new babies out in nature instead of thinking you are stuck home.


You get what you focus on.  


Change doesn’t happen overnight.  But you are planting seeds for your life tomorrow.


What I’ve learned more clearly is you can have what you want, sometimes it doesn’t look exactly like you thought.  For instance, in this pandemic healthy has been in the forefront for all of us.  I know for me, it’s made me more committed to being healthy.  I’ve seen how older people are more impacted from the virus.  I’ve seen how people who are compromised from other diseases aren’t able to fight the virus.


What is living healthier for you?  How do you want healthy to look in your life?


More people are thinking about what healthy is for them.  And, then taking steps to move there.  I know in my neighborhood, we see more people walking, running, riding bikes, fishing, riding scooters and just being active.  Not only are they moving more, they are taking in the energy from nature.  I know one of my friends said she walked 18,000 steps one day this week.  


Another way to be healthier is to understand Food is Medicine.


I’ve seen lots of sharing of recipes.  I know at first there were more comfort foods shared. 

That fits because when there is so much uncertainty, we needed to find ways to feel safe and secure, and comfort food can do that.  


Now, I’m seeing more healthy recipes being shared.  We’ve moved to feeling a little more routine which grounds you so it’s easier to focus on what you want now that you sense some routine. 


More than ever, people are using the home delivery food services to provide a variety of meal choices as well as making healthier choices. They have options for diabetics, gluten free, paleo or vegan.  Whatever fits your style best.  


Choose healthy.


More people are growing vegetables in their yards. Another way to ground yourself so you can thrive.


Other ways to be healthy is to do what you love.  Share your gifts.


I love the posts on Facebook of people sharing their flowers.  Wow – wee!  It allows me to see the beauty, the possibilities and the gifts different people have. 


I love what Tama Kieves says, “I want an A for Adventure and Magic.”  


Just think how you can thrive when you build your life around adventure and magic.  


Bo and I took our motorhome to Roman Nose State Park this week to bike and hike.  Our hike was to Inspiration Point – how fitting.


These adventures help us enjoy more of life’s simple pleasures as well as the challenges of understanding the intricacies of the mechanics of the RV.  We have learned so much, but have a long way to go to feel comfortable with setting up and closing.  Thank goodness for friends and the kindness of others camping.



How are you thriving?  How has this time allowed you to recalibrate and decide some healthier patterns for you?  Is that be outside more, have kinder and more loving thoughts, or cook healthier?  


What are you choosing?  


Let this pandemic remind you that you have been given this day and this time. It’s a gift.  Make the most of it.  


Choose to THRIVE.