How Are You Using Intentions To Help Create Your Day And Your Life You Love?


Did you make up your mind to be happy this morning?  


If you don’t take charge of your life, it will be consumed by everyone else – the energy of the media, the people in your life’s moods or the circumstances of life.


As Marianne Williamson said, just 5 minutes of grounding yourself in the morning with meditation can change the course of your day and your life.


Set the course of your day, if you intend a life you love. For example, intend that: 


I focus my attention on the love around me. 


I expect miracles.


I receive extraordinary favor. ( A fun story here.  I was taking one of my grandsons home last week.  He asked when we’d be home. I said in about 20 minutes.  He started timing me. As we got closer it didn’t look like I was going to make it.  I said if I have extraordinary favor with the traffic and all the lights, we will be on time.  Sure enough, we pulled in his driveway and the time was exact.  He told his mom I said I needed an extraordinary favor.  It works…)


I am receptive to all the good that is coming to me.


I intend for this to be the best day ever.


As you know stuff happens that is out of your control.  But when you take charge and intend for your day, you are surrounded with help and guidance. 


Life can be hard.  Life is challenging you to be your best, your most loving Self.


What you focus on shows up more in your life.  Which is why intentions are so powerful.  


The truly prosperous person is what psychologist Rollo May calls ‘the fully functioning person.’


Be more of the you that you were created to be.


I have been practicing more surrendering and knowing I can handle whatever is before me rather than being uptight when things go astray.  Because it does like your microwave goes out as you are having your Thanksgiving dinner or you realize your flight has been canceled on your way to your child’s wedding.


Life is teaching me to accept what is because that IS the reality – even when it isn’t what I want.


It’s been a hard lesson for me.  I want to control everything and have it go my way.  How unrealistic is that! For so long, I really expected that and would be frustrated when life was different from what I wanted.  


There’s a difference between expectations and intentions.  Intend what you want and accept what life gives you so you stay out of resistance.  Remember, what you resist, persists.


Another tool I have is using mantras which are like your intentions, such as: 


I am open to the possibilities of this day and I trust it will unfold in the perfect way.  I trust that I will be able to handle whatever comes my way. I don’t have to control it. It may not always be exactly like I thought but I allow myself to trust in Divine Wisdom.  


I’m working on trusting knowing life is for me, too.


Find tools that can help you become more resilient so life moves more easily for you. Intentions do that.  Resilience strengthens you, helps you feel empowered. Denying or pretending is not helpful. They keep you stuck.  


Intentions help you focus on what YOU want.  They help change the energy in the direction you desire your life to go – even if for a short time.  


Your intention becomes your purpose for that moment, your day.  Use intentions throughout your day – especially as you feel life is taking you over.

As Kyle Cease says, “Use your intentions to be attached to the intentions of our soul than the addictions of our mind.”


Use intentions to move your life forward and make your dreams come true.