One month left in 2023. A precious year of your life has gone by.
What has mattered to you in 2023? For me, I am more aligned with my True Self. I am freer. I am more aware. I am more connected with my son and his family. I have had fun. I am living more from my core values. I am more grateful.
I am on a continuous evolution to be my Highest – even through the pain, the hard work and focus needed.
I’ve realized that my happiness is a reflection of my level of faith in the Universe. I know that life is for me – even when it doesn’t feel like it, even when I’m struggling and I think things aren’t going my way.
Ernest Holmes shares, “The spiral of life is upward. Evolution carries us forward, not backward.”
I probably resisted this statement at different times in my life, trying to keep things the same. I look back now and think that was for stability. Yet, as I reflect back on my decades, I see where these hard crossroads in my life allowed me to evolve to something higher.
How could you use your highest rather than your past or future as you think about your life? How could that help you live more aligned with your True Self?
As you think about 2023 and what mattered to you. Ask yourself “WHY” those things mattered. Whatever the reason is, give yourself more of that; for example, as my why for being more connected to my son and his family, nothing matters to me more than my kids and grandkids. They are precious to me. So the more open I can be to being with them, being there for them, I’m in heaven. I want to fill my world with them. FaceTime is a huge blessing when you are miles and miles apart.
How are you looking towards your highest when making decisions and having reflections on this past year?
What are you grateful for?
What added to your life?
How is being your highest guiding you?
Did you follow love and God more this year? Did you let go and LET GOD?
Did you add to the goodness in the world and especially to those close to you?
Notice how you might not even be thinking about your Highest guiding you. If you are like me in years past, in my schedule, habits, and thinking, I know how life should go were leading my way.
I was so far away from realizing I have a Higher Power, God, or whoever I follow, that really is in charge based on what I need to become my Highest.
So now I know with greater commitment what’s most important to lead my life.
Know if there is boredom and apathy in your life, you have lost your way from your Highest.
Understand as you deal with the peaks and valleys of life, you can live more, be more, and live from the Highest you today.
If you’ve been blessed to have another year, 2023, bless your life, honor that, and cherish the days you’ve been given.
Decide today to focus on what is your Highest. What is the most alignment for you to be One with your Highest? Once you know that, shift and allow that to guide your life. Base all you have to do from your Highest’s point of view. Lots will be the same, but you are living from a Higher version of you.
Let this time of reflection of 2023 help you find priorities that allow your life to be filled with more love, joy and peace when you are living from your Highest.