I’m excited about this chapter of life. Satisfied but ready for more.
The freedom, the opportunities, and being content with the life we have lived.
Aging opens the door to explore.
For many of us, we have that Baby Boomer’s trailblazer attitude. I know when I entered the workforce with a career, our generation paved the path for future women to enjoy the benefits. It had been uncharted territory. Same now, as we age.
Today people are living longer and more inquisitive about life. There are many more opportunities for people who are aging. Travel is a huge market. Working part-time for some extra income. Or, volunteering to stay connected and serve.
As Kerry Washington says, “You and you alone are the only person that can live the life that writes the story you were meant to tell.”
Try things that maybe you have put off because you were told it wouldn’t provide you a living. Is there an artist in you calling to come out?
Think about what your new identity can be:
Vital and Alive After 50
Fit and Sassy
Fearless and Adventurous
What words describe your new identity? Mine are sassy and adventurous.
What resonants for you?
Think about these late bloomers and gather ideas:
Laura Ingalls Wilder was 65 when her “Little House in the Big Woods” was published. Her last “Little House” happened at age 76.
Peter Mark Roget was a doctor and inventor. Retired at 61. Had great bouts of depression and to deal with it he began doing what he enjoyed. Making lists of words. By the age of 69, he was preparing for his publication of Roget’s Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases which first came out when he was 73. He worked until he was 90.
Colonel Harland Sanders started the Kentucky Fried Chicken business at 65 years old. Nine years later and 600 franchises, he sold his share for $2million dollars.
What are your gifts or desires waiting to be shared?
Rewrite your story of what you thought aging would be. Pay attention to the conversations you are having. Make sure they are ones that talk about what you want and not ones about the aches and pains that happen.
Illuminate the identity you want now. Create the ending the way you want your life to go now that you are here.
Utilize your life’s experiences. Life has given you peaks and valleys. You have stories you want to tell and ones you hide from. Those hardships and successes have great wisdom that needs to be shared. You can make life easier for someone else. You can make others feel validated and heard because you understand what they are going through.
It’s the first time there are more Americans over 50 than younger. Use it as an opportunity to get involved in multigenerational projects. You have the benefit of experience that can guide them.
What excuses are you telling yourself right now that are stopping you from flourishing in these last decades of life?
Find people like Gladys Burrill to give you a vision and get you motivated. Gladys at age 86 ran her first marathon. She became famous after completing the Honolulu Marathon at age 92.
Find your style.
It’s time to feel the excitement that these changes in life have brought you.
Open up, and be surprised with what’s possible for you as you illuminate your new identity.
Need help defining who you want to be. Sign-up for a free Recapture the Adventure for life call at dottiehager.com and together we will help you discover what’s right for you.