Living Free Welcome!


Welcome to the members only web site for the Living Free from the Pain of Your Divorce Speaker Series!

With your upgrade, you now have unlimited access to all 15 speaker interviews, the speaker series digital workbook and fabulous bonus offers! You can access each of these in the navigation menu above.

The speaker series was from May 20 – June 7, 2013. Each day of the series, we broadcasted an interview with one amazing expert. Each interview is available for you to download on the “Download Speaker Interviews” page.

I am so excited that you are willing to be a part of this fabulous speaker series. Our intent is to support you and hold you in your highest light as you transition to the greatest, grandest YOU and open to new possibilities for your life beyond divorce.Looking forward to sharing this journey with you.

With great joy,
Dottie Hager, Ph.D.