Wake up! There is life in retirement.
There are exciting things to do.
Snowboard at almost 70 years old?
My husband just kept up my son and daughter-in-law this weekend.
Just think how good you feel when you’ve pushed yourself or when you challenge yourself to do something you thought you couldn’t do.
You can do it!
I’m sick of all the stories and examples of what you can’t do as you age. That’s not what I want nor do I want that for you.
I’m collecting evidence to show you the other side. I’m harnessing the Boomer Spirit and breaking the mold of what’s possible. Tune in to my podcast, Revving Up Retirement starting in January to hear some examples as well as things I share through this blog.
With 10,000 Boomers turning 65 daily, just think of how quickly we can change the norms of the past regarding what’s possible in retirement.
Fire up that spirit in you.
I challenge you to use every single day of your life to develop your potential. Every day make sure you are doing things that make your heart sing. Learn something new, share your gifts and talents, and have fun.
There’s lots to be done.
In the Monday, December 18, 2017, USA Today, 4 tips for a happy retirement, Ken Fisher emphasized this, too.
Manage your health
Choose your best place to live
Pick the right home
Fill your time with fun
Ken says that fun is the most important of these because it affects your attitude, which drives your body. He talks about how retirement can cause depression because you have lost your purpose, even if you didn’t like your job.
Time to rock the boat.
The truth is; time is running out. Have you put your dreams on the back-burner?
When you do what you love and want, unhealthy habits fall away. Your energy is positive and uplifting, you feel better, and you don’t keep repeating stories about your pains and troubles. You have things to look forward to that matter to you.
Think about the epic life you could have. Doing what you want, feeling joy and finding purpose in the things you choose to do.
Retirement is YOUR time.
“For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.” – Jeremiah 29:11
I recently sent out a survey asking questions about retirement. Throughout the survey, the responses showed retirees are interested in finding purpose after retirement, feeling relevant, and they want it to be on their own terms. (If you haven’t filled it out, go here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3LVBYHX. I’d love your input).
The results said many of you weren’t sure what would create meaning for you. And, you weren’t sure how to make it happen.
That’s what I love! Let me help you find your way. Whether from depression, uncertainty or emptiness to happiness, peace and fulfillment by doing what your heart and soul are calling you to do. Sometimes just by having someone else mirror what you say you want, you are able to see and feel what’s right for you. Using your gifts, passions and experience to the fullest extent.
As the Tao says, “To know the Way, understand the great within yourself.” I help you tap into that. I believe you have all the answers within you.
Imagine how thrilled you will feel – to feel valued, to contribute and to finish strong.
Together, we can change the way retirement is seen.
More emphasis on retirement as the years of fulfilment and fun rather than withering away from aging.
More focus on healthy aging by living a vibrant and meaningful fourth quarter.
And, best of all you will be Thriving in Retirement doing what you only thought was in dreams.
Join me to make that happen. Email me at dottie@dottiehager.com or sign up for a discovery call at dottiehager.com.