Day 14: Lesson
“We’ve all been blessed with the very precious gift of free will.
Free will provides us with the power to choose how we will deal with our experiences.”
– Debbie Ford
Day 14 was about setting intentions. What if you knew you could shift your thinking to know that the Universe is providing you just what you need to be the greatest, grandest version of YOU? What would it take to shift what you are intending for your life? What if you decided to step fully into your brilliance? What needs to be different for you?
Intention is the conscious act of designing your future. It is moving toward that which you desire. It is a strong purpose or aim in the direction of your desire. Your intentions unite your thoughts and actions and take you to another level. By setting intentions, it’s like planting a seed for what you want like I intend to be happy.
One of the most powerful tools you can use is setting intentions. It is directing your mind. It helps you become clearer about what you desire and want for your life. Your intentions will assist you in taking greater control of your life. Intentions keep you on track. You can set intentions for big things or small things.
Set an intention before you do everything like driving, work, relationships, dinner. Think about what you would like more of in your life and make those intentions – peace, love, authenticity, joy and abundance.
The important components of setting intentions are to know what you desire and align them with your actions. Begin with the end in mind of what your intention looks like. Come from a place of expectancy. Setting intentions is a great tool to accomplish your desires and helps you to focus. Start with “I intend…” . Make them a part of your day and life.
Actions Steps:
- Think of one area of your life that you want different. Create an image of how you want it to be. Create details and a vivid picture so that you can really feel how fabulous it would be to have it. Get excited about it, feel it as if it has happened. Now, write down some intentions around it. Keep them fresh. Pay attention to your beliefs. Make sure they are in alignment or you will side track your work.
- Find a couple of situations in your life where you could change the dynamics by intentions. What do you want to move away from? Fear, anger, stress. Create some intentions that would create a better scenario for you. For instance, I think about when I was pressured with lots of activities going on trying to make everything happen. I could intend everything works out calmly and in perfect time. So if I intend it and believe it, it will be. The Universe conspires to help you with whatever you ask.
Journal Time:
- What inspired you most from the call?
- What are two ideas you are taking from the call?
- Where are you finding resistance?
- What is one action step you will take within 24 hours of the call?
- What support do you need to help you keep moving forward?