21-Day Journey: Day 16 – Lesson

page-header2-members2Day 16: Lesson

“The art of living is a fine mingling of letting go and hanging on.”
–Havelock Ellis

Day 16 asks you how willing are you to allow your desires to be created?  Today can be the beginning of a new life for you.  The future is before you.  The best way to have the future you desire is to create it.   What is it you love to do?  Not thinking about a specific job, but what do you love to do?  What is it for you?  What’s it look like?  What brings that smile and inner joy to you?

What are your beliefs for your new life?  What do you need to help you and guide you on your journey?  What words of encouragement do you want to hear? What’s it going to take? Who are some of the people doing what you want?  Find great examples and create visuals to remind you of your dreams.

When you did the shadow work the other night, what three people did you admire?  What was each of the 3 qualities that each one had that you liked?  Did you do the work to uncover the gift in each of those words so that your light may shine so that you are able to believe you are worthy of having your dreams come true?

Life is a continuous unfolding of your desires as you allow it to happen.  Are you listening to the clues to the unfolding?  Make the decision to pay attention to how you respond to situations – are you allowing or resisting?  Notice how you feel, if it feels light you are going in the way of your desires, if it feels heavy, there is some resistance there. Resistance keeps you from manifesting your desires; it holds you back or slows down the process of manifestation.

Often you are not open to what is coming because you have your own idea of how it is to happen or beliefs about why it’s not possible. You might believe you are not worth having “all” that. Joel Osteen says, “All day you have two voices competing for your attention – the voice of faith or the voice of defeat.  Which one are you listening to?” What would it take for you to allow that highest vision for yourself to manifest? What would it take for you to expect all things to work out in your highest good? What gets in the way of following your passion?

Life will work for you when you understand how it is giving you everything you request.  That is why it is important to be clear on what you want and make sure your thoughts, words and actions are in the direction of your desires.  The Universe is listening to your heart and mind.  Have you tended to your gardens?  Have you planted the seeds of your dreams?  Have you cleared away the weeds of your past? Have you aligned your emotions with your chronological age?  Are you in charge of your life or is someone or something else?  Whose voice are you hearing?

Forgiveness will play a part in allowing your desires to be created.  You have to forgive yourself and others whom you feel betrayed you, hurt you or abused you.  You know who they are. “There are two things you must always remember; your inner silence is not a place to hide from the reality of life, and it is a place where you must face yourself honestly.  If you remember these things, then you will be given knowledge and your spirit will get stronger and stronger – from Returning to the Lakota Way

Feel the pain without the drama.  A way to dissolving your pain is accepting what is and working through forgiveness.  You past has happened and you cannot take it back or change it.  It is important that you acknowledge it and know that it is a part of you.  Work through whatever pain or sorrow you are experiencing.

Forgiveness is your ticket to freedom.  On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the Highest, where are you on your willingness to forgive yourself? Or others?  How long are you going to hold on to those grudges and hurts? Do you realize how it affects your health-mental, physical, emotional and spiritual?  Is it worth it?  How are you benefitting by holding on to it?  Is there an area you need to forgive yourself?  Can you take responsibility for what happened if it was something you did? Who do you need to make amends with?  What ritual could you do to release the pain, the guilt or shame?  Where are you willing to forgive?  Being in some small way so that you can let go and free yourself.  Is it hard to admit things about yourself you regret, it can be?  Take some time to think about where you could begin the process of forgiveness.  A little willingness goes a long way.  What is holding you back?  Forgiveness is not about the other person.  It is about the chains it has on your life.  It’s about holding you back from living the life of your dreams. Are you stuck?  It’s about releasing you from the situation. It’s the cloud hanging over your light. Allow other people to help you if that will benefit you in the process. Where can you begin?   It is transformative and freeing.

Then try to make forgiveness an everyday affair so that you are able to begin anew each day. In order to achieve your dreams, your focus is on where you are going, not on where you have been. Letting go each day allows you to have clear channels of connection to what you desire. If you are off track, breath, forgive yourself and start again.  Release that which no longer serves you daily.  Then you are ready to live life rather than being held down with the baggage of the past.

Creating rituals like these help you set patterns in your life that allow your dreams to come true.  You are removing anything that might be standing in the way.  Rituals remind you that you get choose.  You are in charge.  You are determining how to create your life.  It’s your choice.



Actions Steps:

  1. Think of the magic you are creating. At the end of the day, go over your day, and write out all the things you did in the day that were moving in the direction of your dreams.  Acknowledge yourself for the steps you made and give gratitude for your work.  Remember, nothing is too small to acknowledge, even a smile given, any conscious thought you had or even when you caught yourself thinking something that was taking you in a different direction than you want to go.  It all helps you awaken to your dreams.
  2. Forgiveness is your ticket to freedom.  On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the Highest, where are you on your willingness to forgive yourself? Or others?  How long are you going to hold on to those grudges and hurts? Do you realize how it affects your health-mental, physical, emotional and spiritual?  Is it worth it?  How are you benefitting by holding on to it?  Is there an area you need to forgive yourself?  Can you take responsibility for what happened if it was something you did? Who do you need to make amends with?  What ritual could you do to release the pain, the guilt or shame?  Where are you willing to forgive?  Being in some small way so that you can let go and free yourself.  Is it hard to admit things about yourself you regret, it can be?  Take some time to think about where you could begin the process of forgiveness.  A little willingness goes a long way.  What is holding you back?  Forgiveness is not about the other person.  It is about the chains it has on your life.  It’s about holding you back from living the life of your dreams.

Journal Time:

  • What inspired you most from the call?
  • What are two ideas you are taking from the call?
  • Where are you finding resistance?
  • What is one action step you will take within 24 hours of the call?
  • What support do you need to help you keep moving forward?