21-Day Journey: Day 5 – Lesson

page-header2-members2Day 5 Lesson:

“The mind is everything. What you think, you become.”  Buddha

how-to-meditateDay Five wakes you to your approximately 60,000 thoughts a day. What are yours? Are you conscious of what you are thinking and saying? Are they in the direction of your dreams? Are they contributing to you believing in the possibility of living the life you desire?

One of the quest for this journey is to help you master your inner dialogue and to quiet your inner critic. Meditation is one of the greatest tools to quiet your mind.

You are your thoughts. They create your reality. As Science of Mind teaches, change your thinking, change your life. Your inner talk creates your outer world. You will learn to challenge the misperceptions of your mind. The key to awakening to your greatest life is to align your thoughts with your dreams.

Your thoughts are powerful. Choose the good ones as Mike Dooley teaches.

There are many ways to begin noticing your thoughts in a day, a week or in given situations. Take a small segment of your day and pay attention to what you are saying. For instance, when you get up in the morning, how do you start your day? Do you plan for a good day? What kinds of things would you be saying if you were planning for a good day? Later, take some time to notice the things in your day that make it “good” for you. Did you have conversations with someone you enjoy being with? Or was it certain words you said? Begin paying attention. Start small.

next-stepsActions Steps

  1. Think about the area of your life you have chosen for this course. What would it look like if you were living your best life? Write it down.  Allow yourself to see it just like you desire. What are you listening to in your head?  Who are hearing? Then notice what’s your self-talk? What’s the inner dialogue you are having about having that?  Are you having expectations for your best life or are there negative expectations that say can’t have it or it can’t happen?  Do you have abundant thinking or poverty thinking?  What is all the chatter in your head about it?  Are you hearing excuses?  Are you hearing limiting beliefs about why it can’t happen?  Or are your thoughts ones that support you in building your best life?  Write 2 actions that you could do each day to guide you into the changes you desire, like keeping track of your dialogue.  Once you notice some patterns, commit to making some shifts to more loving, kinder thoughts.
  2. Keep a chart of the different activities, encounters and thoughts for your day.  Beside each one, on a scale of 1-10, notice how it lights you up. Write down a number showing how much it lit you up, 10 being the highest.   Then what was it that lit you up or why was it low.  Look at what you are thinking about them. How could you shift your thinking? For instance, if you have chores to do, how do you think about that?  If it is low, like why do I have to do this?  What could you do to change that thought?  Could you shift your thinking to how blessed you are to be able to have a family that needs you to help them or something like that? It is all in what meaning you have given things and how you perceive the world.  You are the creator of your world.  You know what is right for you!

Journal Time:

  • What inspired you most from the call?
  • What are two ideas that you can take away from the call?
  • What is one action step you will take within 24 hours of the call?
  • What support will you need to help you go forward?