Every day is a good day to create something harmonizing for your health.
What does that mean for you?
What do you need TODAY? Right now.
If you are overwhelmed and stressed, you need quiet rest time.
If you are depleted, you should get some fresh air. Is that a quiet picnic, a slow walk, or putting your hands in the dirt?
Harmonizing is an important point in the equation of being healthy. Where’s the peace? Where’s the balance?
What matters to you about your health? For me, it’s about being radiant, vibrant, and able to do all I want. Not always easy, but I focus on moving myself back there.
You are supposed to feel good.
You do not necessarily feel good every moment, but the idea is to notice where you are out of harmony. Then, move closer to what you desire, even as you are hurting or out of whack.
Abraham-Hicks says, “Since nothing matters to you other than your alignment with your goals or desires, then that is where our work is. We are not here to debate the rightness or the wrongness of what you, or anyone, chooses. We are not taking sides, for or against anything. Instead, we are here to help you understand that your life can be as wonderful or horrible as you allow it to be. It all depends upon the thoughts that you practice. And therein lies the basis of anyone’s success: How much do I practice thoughts that bring me joy, and how much do I practice thoughts that bring me pain?”
You are either in or out of alignment with your desires, somewhere on the continuum.
Pay attention—your health matters.
The sad part is that most of us live more in the what we “don’t want” part of the scale. Thus, feel bad, angry, or resentful.
As John Rogers, DSS states, “If you look at life as being a ladder, you can visualize each “problem” as a rung in that ladder. If you remove the problem, you may take away your potential growth. You learn from your experiences, and often you learn more from your negative experiences than your positive experiences. Those experiences that hit at you and shake you are often the most effective areas of learning.”
Being healthy affects your life. But if it is a priority, your life can be more joyful, prosperous, and abundant.
You have a choice every day. It would help if you chose, or you will be part of the dark side of statistics.
Your health can be more like Mae Dean Era. In the March 26th Sunday Edition of The Oklahoman, there was an article about “Mae Dean Era, 79, from Blackgum, Oklahoma, that has recently passed 1,000 consecutive days doing a 5K. In addition, every single day for three years, she has run or walked at least a 5K.”
Or, it can be part of the tragic statistics in our state. According to the Oklahoman, Oklahoma ranks 43rd in the nation for quality of life and women’s safety. First, in the nation, it is a concern for the highest domestic and social violence incidents.
What are you choosing that creates the most harmonizing for your health?
Being healthy takes on new meanings for me, whether that is more the need for mental health, physical, or emotional concerns.
When Bo and I first ran the first Oklahoma Memorial Marathon, there were about 3,000 participants; now, there are over 20,000. Impressive. Lots of people choose to be physically active. We don’t run today, but we still choose to be active.
What needs your attention to be the healthiest you?
Springtime is often a time to begin again. Whether gardening, cleaning out old stuff, or starting a new exercise routine. The weather is good. There is more light. Springtime can be reinvigorating. It can motivate you to do something to be healthier.
How can you use the lightness of spring to help you reinvigorate your health?