“You make a living by what you earn, you make a life by what you give.” Winston Churchill
Do what you love in this fourth quarter of your life.
What makes your heart sing?
(Staying at our favorite condo on the beach in Maui.)
Think about how that can serve others.
Flying to Maui, we met a couple that love to golf and travel. They added a unique twist to
what they love – make it more meaningful to their life. They volunteer at golf tournaments
all over the U.S. to give back and expand what is possible for them. They were heading to
Honolulu to work the Senior Golf Tournament after enjoying a week in Maui.
Make a gift of your life.
Let this time of year, with resolutions and new beginnings, allow you to reflect on what
matters to you. Not what you think you are supposed to do, but what you really, really want
to do.
Michael Hyatt recently posted “The most searched New Year’s resolutions on Google
(thanks to a data company called iQuanti) were:
1. Get Healthy – over 62 million searches
2. Get Organized – over 33 million searches
3. Live Life to the Fullest – nearly 19 million searches
4. Learn New Hobbies – over 17 million searches
5. Spend Less/Save More nearly 16 million searches
6. Travel – nearly 6 million searches
Do any of these make you come alive? Did you feel excited or drawn to one of these areas?
Take time to ask yourself what that might means to you or for you. For example, think
about what being healthy looks like for you. I love yoga. Yoga is great for balancing and
stretching. Extra important now that I’m aging.
Your gifts, talents and interests can help others while enhancing your life.
I know that for many Boomers and Retirees, they want to be healthy, live life to the fullest
and travel. They know time is running out.
How can you take what you love and make it into something meaningful? I love to teach
and show people possibilities. I want people to Thrive in Retirement.
It doesn’t matter whether that is sharing ways to be healthy, live life to the fullest or travel.
I am on it – sharing, teaching and helping others live their best life – no matter their age.
I love it!
Let’s walk our talk so others can see what’s possible for their lives too.
I dare you to take the time to discover what matters to you and to think about how you can
use that to help others.
Share with me on my Facebook page so we can get a movement going on how to make a
gift of your life.