What Is Inspiring To You?


Look around your world. What brings you joy – is it pictures, books you’ve chosen to read, giving to others, or the people in your house? That’s what inspiring is.


As Wayne Dyer says in his book, Inspiration, Your Ultimate Calling, “What I’m offering in this book is the awareness that we can return to a full-time position of inspiration which is the true meaning of life.”


Live in-spirit as Dr. Dyer shares. Not just sometimes, but full-time.


Fill your world physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually with things that inspire you, lift you up, and bring out the best in you and for you.


Inspiration is creating a confident and dignified life full of integrity. You feel full and complete. You feel good about how you are living.


Your life is a living example of inspiration. You are walking and talking your principles and values. People feel your goodness.


You feel peace and joy about the choices you are making.


You are connected to a Higher Power.


You are living a life of meaning.



How does that look for you? Think of people that inspire you.



I’ve loved Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, and Oprah for years.


Their work pushes me to being a better person.

They make me aware of how much I can do for others by my being in spirit.

They changed my vision of what’s possible.


How about Bill and Melinda Gates? They are super-wealthy people who have donated their lives and money to bettering health care, education, and economics of others. How inspiring is that?


Think of first responders. They put their lives on the line to help make it better for others. Talk about inspiring and heroes.


Ask yourself where you feel excited about life. Pursue more of that.


For instance, for me, inspiration is seeing our kids and grandkids and the journeys they are on. But, that’s only one part of our lives.


There’s more to living fully for us. Like, writing my blogs and knowing it lifted someone’s spirit or gave them hope for some goodness in the world.


Find your way to an inspired life that speaks to you.


Life is meant to be fun and exciting. And, it’s a whole lot easier when you are living what’s true for you.


What can you do to live a more inspired life?



  1. Clean out what doesn’t excite or thrill you anymore. Use Feng Shui ideas of removing 27 items a day to help open up your energy and not drain you. Our stuff becomes cumbersome. And, for those of you in the later part of your life, your children will be grateful too that they won’t have to be burdened with it.   I just purchased the book, Downsizing The Family Home, a workbook, what to save, what to let go of by Marni Jameson.


  1. Decide what rings your bell. What inspires you? Make sure “that” is a major part of your life. Gardening, volunteering, teaching or travel.


  1. Let go of people and sources of media that no longer brighten your day. I know withdrawal might happen, let go slowly and methodically if that fits your style better.


  1. Identify your core beliefs you have about living an inspired life. As you are reading my words, are you saying that’s not possible, only on special occasions. Those beliefs shape your thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Positive thoughts and beliefs add to your vitality. Negative ones pull you down and undermine your well-being. Change ones that no longer serve you. Where do you start? Look at areas of your life that aren’t serving you. You have some limiting beliefs that are keeping you there.


As you think about your life and what excites or inspires you, let your daily intentions guide you.


The clearer you are about what you want, the more likely life will go in the direction you want.


You will be shown the way to live in spirit.


I’d love to help you find your way to live in spirit. As an inspiring catalyst, I love helping people live the life they want and change what’s not working for them. Sign-up for a free live your best life call at dottiehager.com.