Life is calling you.
Life decides when it’s time to purge and move to a Higher place in life. Life helps you move into a new vibration, a new place because you have outgrown where you are.
Remember, life is for you.
What is trying to emerge in you?
Notice where you feel stuck in your life. I know for me it seems to come back to food and my body, worrying about my weight. I have “fought” it with every possible diet and gimmick. I have made food and my body the enemy. I have tried controlling what I eat, and how I thought I knew what the answer was to get rid of the weight. I always tried to out-exercise the food I ate. It wasn’t until recently, I thought exercise was the answer. Rather than seeing how my negative beliefs around food and my body are limiting what is happening. Finally, realizing how life was trying to get my attention. I now understand the wisdom my soul was trying to bring to my life.
Weight is a soul lesson for me. Teaching me to slow down, embrace more of my feminine.
I see where my weight has tried for years to wake me up. (Not bad that it only took me six (6) decades plus to get it) But, I was trying to decide how that was to happen, rather than going within and trusting the wisdom of my body and my mind. I thought the outside world had lots of information to help me find the way – this diet, this pill, or these tricks.
Weight loss is a multi-billion dollar industry with little good results. 98-99% of the people who lose weight put it back on within a few years, if not immediately.
That’s insanity! Why do we, you and me, keep doing the same thing?
Why haven’t we been taught to trust the wisdom within? To “get” it hasn’t worked from outside sources. I’ve been dieting for 50 years.
Why haven’t we understood that God is trying to get our attention and there is a deeper message if we listen to that wisdom?
Growth is garnered through the hard times and the good times. I know for me, the bad times seem to get my attention more.
Often when situations are not like what we want, we expend energy on trying to figure out how to change the situation rather than seeing how the Universe is using that situation to help us expand.
Rather than letting your ego drive what is happening, how can you stop and ask what is your soul desiring that you learn or know from what is happening? It really helps, not only help you evolve more easily, but it also takes the resistance out of your life.
Life seems to flow more easily. And, you see that life has a larger purpose than going through the motions of busy days.
What are your soul lessons?