Life is in need of more love and more kindness.
As you think about your life and the world around you, where is there a need that you could be a blessing?
You have special gifts and talents. There are many needs around you. Find how the two can merge. Sometimes, you don’t realize all you have to share.
Think about the birds and their morning songs. How delightful it is to begin your day listening to their songs.
How can you go out on this day and share your wealth your blessings? Remember, The Course of Miracles reminds you, “I am as God created me.” You have something special that wants to be shared. Is it listening, sharing your vision, or making someone’s day?
Remember the saying, “What would love have you do?” How could you use that as you think about all the blessings you could bestow today?
In our local newspaper this week, there was a calling for people interested in being involved in Norman’s Peace Team. The mission is to create habits and skills for nonviolence in our community. They want people who will train, speak, or be involved with justice groups. Is that something you could bless others with?
There are opportunities all around you to find ways to be a blessing for someone. For example, in one of my exercise classes, one of the men had difficulty getting up off the floor after our cool-down. A lady came over with a chair to help him up. He was grateful, and she was honored to help.
How can you be a blessing?
Be on the lookout for blessings. What have you found? Do you see a purpose and see how valuable you can be?
I have a little prayer I recite each day to remind me to be a blessing that is from The Course,
“I am here only to be truly helpful. I am here to represent Him who sent me.
I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do because He Who sent me will direct me.
I am content to be wherever He wishes, knowing He goes there with me.
I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal.”
How can being a blessing to others enrich your life?
Each day, text out 3 blessings that you shared. Spread the joy. Not to brag but to let others see the possibilities. To encourage others to reach out to others.
Remember, loneliness is an epidemic right now. Who could you call, visit, or reach out to let them know you are thinking of them? Can you take them to lunch? Listen? Write a note or send a card?
Whom can you encourage?
What have you gone through or experienced that you could be a support or voice for another or others?
The more your focus is on blessings, the more you will notice. A crazy one came to me as I was searching for new exercise classes. I walked into this class and felt myself feeling arrogant, like, what am I doing here? I can do more than what this is offering. Then, my vision of being a blessing came to me. Wake up. This situation was showing me how I need to bring arrogance to the light so I can be more loving, more of a light, and more of a blessing. The sweetest lady approached me and asked me if I was new, sharing what I would need for the class. She was a blessing to me as I felt out of place. Taking the class helped me be more in tune with my body because it was way different than what I usually choose. What a blessing this situation was to me in a variety of ways. Physically, emotionally, and beingly.
Life is for you.
Life is full circle. What you focus on, you receive more of. What you give, you receive.
Today, go out and look for ways to be a blessing. Notice how good and fulfilled you feel.