How Are You Guiding Them In The Direction You Want To Go?
Everyone wants to be loved, valued, and feel significant. Yet, I’ve discovered that not everyone designs their lives around them. Instead, most people go through life pretty unconsciously. More reactionary. Mimicking what they have seen and been around.
They don’t realize the power they have. Did you know your mind controls the direction of your life?
That is why I could stand on the mountaintop and shout to everyone to become more conscious. So they areThat is why I could stand on the mountaintop and shout to everyone to become more conscious. So they are more aware of their thoughts, opportunities, choices, and actions. more aware of their thoughts, opportunities, choices, and actions.
Protect Your Thoughts; they are creating your life. Good and Bad.
Yes, it takes work and focus, but you can create the life you desire by becoming aware of what you are thinking and saying.
As The Course of Miracles teaches, you are here to love, forgive, serve and heal.
Alan Cohen’s quote shows your responsibility in the life you are living. “The world you see is a stage you have constructed with your thoughts, and everyone you meet is an actor you have hired to play out your script.”
Look at the dissension in our country these days. What has created it?
Misinformation and Disinformation.
People are tapping into the fears of others.
The thoughts are tapping into the insecurities of people.
When you feel powerless, you follow rather than tap into your own wisdom to decipher what’s right or wrong, truth or lie.
When you know better, you do better.
Because as the saying goes, The Truth Will Set You Free.
You know it’s right for you because it feels light. You are in harmony with yourself and the world.
You are either expanding or contracting because of your thoughts.
Which are you choosing? It does NOT feel good when you are contracting.
Think about when you are trying to control others; you are contracting. Your body is tight. You are often frustrated. Your thoughts are limited, and your world is shrinking. You feel like a victim and feel helpless or powerless.
As Horace says, “Rule your mind, or it will rule you.”
If love is your ultimate desire in life, how are your thoughts creating the love you desire? How are you living every day in states of love? How are you love?
Sharing love?
Love is what you are born with. Fear is what you learn.
As The Commandments teach, “Love one another.”
How is that playing out in your life? Are your thoughts kind and loving about others, or are you making other’s wrong and scary?
Are you filling your days with media about loving thoughts? Are your conversations about angst or caring about others?
Decide to become more aware of your thinking and speaking so you can live a life of more peace, love, and fulfillment.
Your thoughts are powerful.