Transformational Package Bonuses



Welcome! Below are the 14 amazing bonuses you have access to for free with your Discovery Package upgrade. I encourage you to invest in yourself by taking advantage of each of these free offers so that you can have the tools and resources to support you daily in this journey of awakening to your greatest life.

bonus-1 Bonus Offer #1
Post-Divorce Parenting: Success Strategies for Getting It Right! ebook by Rosalind Sedacca
If you’re transitioning through and past divorce, this advice-packed ebook is for you. Learn how to minimize the emotional and physical impact of divorce on your children with tips you can immediately put to use. Your children can be happy, secure, self-confident, accepting and loving after your divorce – if you follow these guidelines for success. Click here to access your free ebook!
bonus-2 Bonus Offer #2
THE CODE: 10 Intentions for a Better World eposter from Tony Burroughs
Use the laws of manifestation to achieve your highest good. To have the code work in your life, say it once every day. Click here to download your free poster in color. OR Click here to download your free poster in black and white.
bonus-3 Bonus Offer #3
Empowered Spiritual Coach Digital Guidebook by Sharon Wilson
If you’re like many clients I talk to, you want to make a difference. You feel you have a calling to help people, and you often find yourself doing just that – helping people get through tough situations, take big steps toward life-long goals, or just feel better about themselves. You’ve even thought about becoming a coach. But there’s a problem, you’re not sure if you have what it takes. Click here to access your free digital guidebook
bonus-4 Bonus Offer #4
Reclaim Yourself After Divorce Online Journal by Leila Reyes
52-weekly online journal prompts and online community to help you Heal Your Heart, Regain Your Power, and Create the Life You’ve Always Wanted.
Click here to access your free online journal.
bonus-5 Bonus Offer #5
Love for No Reason Digital Workbook by Marci Shimoff
A 22-page workbook including The Love for No Reason Self-assessment, all 14 of the Love Key Exercises and Love Quotes. Click here to download your free digital workbook.
bonus-6 Bonus Offer #6
Quantum Quickies mini ebook by Christel Hughes
10 Quick ways to make a Quantum Leap in Consciousness in 2 minutes or less! Click here to access your free mini ebook.
bonus-7 Bonus Offer #7
Meditation for Healing a Broken Heart by Cindie Chavez
Are you ready to heal your broken heart, clear yourself from the emotions of a past relationship, be free of the frustrating “broken record” thoughts that keep going around and around in your head, causing you to lose sleep at night and the ability to focus in the daytime? If so, then click here to download your free mediation mp3.

bonus-8-alie-preview Bonus Offer #8
Awareness Meditation by Alie McLean
The first key to manifesting your desires is to Know Yourself and this requires awareness. Without awareness, nothing can change. This simple exercise is one of my foundational practices. If you do it every day for three months, your life will change…I promise! This practice also increases:

  • Your ability to be receptive and perceptive
  • Intuition
  • Dignity and trust in self and others
  • Awareness of contractions and holding stress (wherever we contract, we are refusing to receive)
  • Flow and synchronicity

Click here to download your free mediation mp3.

bonus-9 Bonus Offer #9
Living Your Best Life Discovery Session with Dottie Hager
Are you ready to have a remarkable support structure to help you reconnect with your deepest dreams, remember how much you have to offer and live life as the grandest version of yourself?  Try this discovery session to understand the benefits of a coaching relationship in helping you to fulfill these desires. Click here to sign up for a free discovery session.

bonus-10 Bonus Offer #10
The Co-Parent’s Manifesto Digital Workbook by Deesha Philyaw
12 principles every co-parent should follow for the sake of their kids. A manifesto is a declaration of intent. As co-parents, none of us are perfect by any means, but our good intentions and best efforts matter greatly to our children. The Co-Parent’s Manifesto is a set of beliefs and commitments that put children where they belong–at the center, the heart, of the co-parenting partnership–without putting them in the middle of parental conflict. Click here to download your free digital workbook.

bonus-11 Bonus Offer #11
3 Interviews with Today’s Leading Love Experts from The Love Summit with Sandra Fidelis
Would you like to learn how you can experience the most fulfilling romantic relationship you’ve ever had?…the one you KNOW deep down you desire and deserve? Click here to access your free interviews.

Bonus Offer #12
Life and Love Readiness Assessment & 1-hour Strategy Consultation with Laura Campbell
The question is not really “are you ready?” but rather, “are you willing to do whatever it takes to prepare yourself for a life of passion and effortless, extraordinary love”? If you are willing to bring it…to open yourself to the magic, wonder and joy that comes with having it all, then I am here to support you every step of the way. Click here to download your assessment and consultation information.

bonus-14 Bonus Offer #13
Being the Change, 90-minute, 3-MP3 Introduction with Jeneth Blackert
When you tap into your inner relationships and desires, it becomes possible to change yourself without forcibly including body relationship, intimacy, weight loss and a whole lot more. Wouldn’t that be incredible? Click here to access your free MP3s.

bonus-14-preview Bonus Offer #14
Designing and Having the Life You Came to Live ebook by Alie McLean
This FREE Ebook offers sets the foundation for your journey to design and have a life you truly love with more ease than you ever thought possible. Click here to download your free ebook.

bonus-8 Bonus Offer #15
The Emotional Healing Starter Kit by Jana Fleming
Experience Peace in your Health, Finances & Relationships. Click here to download your free starter kit.