What have you created discipline to mean for you?

Discipline can provide you the results you desire if you view it in a positive way. Sometimes you think of discipline as getting in the way of allowing you to do what you want. The truth is discipline provides  safety and structure. The problems you might have with discipline is the meanings of what you have given to it. What have you created discipline to mean for you? What pops up for you around having the discipline to follow a structured plan? Where in your life could it be helpful to create some discipline to have more of the life you desire? For me, I hired a personal trainer to help me with weight lifting because I know on my own, I am not disciplined enough to make myself do the body building I need to have the most healthy bones and body I need.

How could discipline help you?

Where in your life has discipline helped you achieve some of the desires you have had?  Where has it closed opportunities for you and with others?  Have you used that understanding to help create the boundaries in your life you need?  What is one way you could add some discipline to your day to help relieve the burden of feeling overwhelmed or exhausted?

Are you taking care of yourself?

What ways do you provide some self care? How is your balance with your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual parts of your life? What do you do to shift the scales back to balance when you know you are out of sorts? Take some time and give each of these areas a percentage of time you spend in each one. Then ask yourself what percentage of time would you like to spend in each. Look at the gap. Commit to doing one thing in each of the areas that have a gap to move back to balance. What a great exercise in showing some self love!

How can you appreciate yourself today?

How do you treat yourself? What kind words are you saying to yourself? How do you love yourself?
How are you taking time each day to acknowledge, affirm and appreciate yourself? The more love you give yourself, the more love you can share with others. What acts of appreciation to yourself can you begin today? How can you appreciate yourself today? How can you affirm yourself today whether it was something you did for someone or how you begin your day?

How are you being better today than you were yesterday?

How are you being better today than you were yesterday? Do you take the time to think about that? How can you be more aware of how to live your life? Even if you don’t believe in resolutions or goals, you can make steps to being a better you today than you were yesterday. I was listening to an Oprah Soul Sunday where she interviewed Wayne Dyer. He said he tries to live each day with more love, kindness and consciousness. Just imagine what a wonderful world we could live in if each of our focus for this year was to be more loving, kind and conscious every day.

What is it that you really, really, really, really want in your life?

What is it that you really, really, really, really want in your life? Do you have a clear picture of that? What could you do to create it, feel it, and believe it could be your reality? As we begin a new year, it is the perfect time to begin thinking about exactly what you want in your life. Get clear about it. Do something every day to create it. Start with creating a vision of it. How does it feel when you have it? Feel the excitement, the joy, the abundance of it in your life. Keep those feelings for at least 17 seconds and you will create a shift in energies for it to become closer to a reality for you. What are your thoughts about your desire? Are they all the reasons why it can’t happen? It’s not our job to figure out exactly how it is to happen, it’s our job to create it and believe it will happen. Catch yourself and the thoughts you are thinking. We often think more about what we don’t want, than what we want. Are you falling into that trap? The more we can vision and really feel what we want the universe can provide it for us. Shift your thinking to focus on what you really, really want. Your life will change.

How are you keeping connected to those you love or care about?

As I grew up, Christmas was always the biggest holiday our family celebrated. As we grew up, three of us moved out of state. We were all in different states. We all made “a deal” that we would come home for Christmas. It was our way of staying close to each other even though our daily lives were off in different directions. It was so important to each of us to keep that sense of family. How are you keeping connected to those you love or care about? What are important commitments you have made with your family? What’s most important to you during these holidays? Are you making sure that happens for you? You are in charge of creating the life you love and what’s important to you.

What things are you grateful for in your life?

As you think about Thanksgiving and the traditions you and your family share, what things are you grateful for in your life? Take some time to notice what your thoughts are around the gatherings, the food, the people and the situations you are in this Thanksgiving weekend. Who are you grateful for? What are you grateful for? Who are you willing to share with how grateful you are they are in your life, and tell them why? How can you lead a conversation about being grateful with others in your gathering? How can you challenge yourself to find an area in your life where you can be more grateful to yourself? Take the time to really dwell in the blessings in your life.

How can you be more thankful this week?

How can you be more thankful and appreciative this week? Think about the people in your life – whether it is your immediate family, extended family, friends or colleagues at work. How could you extend some gratitude to each of these people? What would be ways you could take time to acknowledge them in some way? Think about how special they are in your life. Let them know. Create a thankful mind so it becomes a natural way of living for you.

Do you take time to appreciate it all?

Just begin listing all the things in your life you have to be grateful for today. Think of different areas of your life – family, spiritual, financial, friends, career. What are the most affirming things for you? Do you take time to appreciate it all? Is your list flowing? Is it easier to make a longer list in one area than another? Is there resistance? Where ever you are in this process of being grateful, just notice it. Begin today to increase your gratitude. Try to make a habit of keeping a gratitude journal. Write down at least 3 things a day you are grateful. The next week, or next month increase that to 5 a day, then 10 a day. Just watch to see how your world builds with abundance and how much you have to be grateful for in your life. Remember, you get more of what you focus on.