Declare Your Independence

Independence Day is a time of celebration and reminder of our freedom whether it’s the Boston Pops Orchestra fireworks show over the Charles River, Seward, Nebraska town square celebration, Denmark’s national park celebration, picnics, or family gatherings. How are you celebrating?

Celebration is an important part of living your best life.  You are taking time to enjoy life.

Let this Independence Day be a reminder that you want to be free to live the life of your dreams and you are no longer settling for mediocrity.  Life will pass you by if you are not willing to take the time to refocus on what you want and free yourself from whatever is holding you back.

What is your Declaration of Independence you live your life by?  Where can you free yourself and commit to the life you want?  One day I was volunteering at a Challenge Day at a local high school.  The leader made a small box on the gym floor out of tape. The box was just big enough for his feet to step in and not step on the tape.  He asked us to see how this box could reflect your perspective on life.  Do you see your “limited” view about your thinking, beliefs, judgments, exclusions?  You build your world based on a small understanding and perspective of what is available.  You are closed off to experiencing a bigger life.  There is a whole world of freedom and possibility out there – just like the rest of the gym floor waiting to be experienced.  But your thoughts and beliefs can stop you from having the freedom to create a greater life.  Where in your life are you playing small, keeping you from living your best life?

Commit to creating a life you love.  My weight has been controlling my thinking and living the life I love.  Intellectually I know the right things to put in place – eat healthy and exercise.  I also know that 90% of the change I need is my mindset. Boy, have my gremlins been working overtime.  Guess what happens, the more I think about what I don’t want, the more I get it.  That’s why it’s so important to focus on what you want – because you get more of it.  Not always easy when you are so emotionally connected or charged by something like I am in how I look.

I have been telling myself that I want this to be the last time I “control” my weight that I want to be aligned with what I know is living my best life.  So what are the steps to freedom for me?

  • Commit to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Create my “Declaration of Independence” standards for healthy living.
  • Make choices for my highest good from those standards by aligning with what my body needs.
  • Take one step, celebrate, take the next one, celebrate, etc.
  • Keep my vision and commitment close to me.
  • Find support to keep focused on what I want.

Why might success be more likely with this plan? It’s my plan. It gives me the freedom to choose what I know is best and doesn’t make it feel like I’m depriving myself.  It empowers me, doesn’t feel like I need to be on another diet for the 20th or 50th time. I’m designing a life that works for me by listening and honoring my body, appreciating and in gratitude for all that is right.  I’m asking for guidance and support. I’m aligning with what I desire rather than what I don’t want.

I know I am closer to freeing myself from this endless cycle of sabotaging that which I want for my life.  Wish me well.

I’m committed to living at the top of my game.

What are you committed to?  Freeing yourself to live the life of your dreams requires a commitment and a plan to make it happen.  How can this Independence Day be a reminder of what’s calling forth for you?  How can I support you in what you want?

Sign up for a Discovery Session to help you get focused and have some clarity.

It’s No Secret How Drastically You Have Altered the War on Big Food

It’s time to take a stand for what you know is best for you!

It’s time to take charge of your life and add the pleasure and joy back in your life.

As Jim Allen says, “”Recognize that life is what you get when you’re born … living is what you do with it.”

Life is all about the choices we make day in, day out.  As Abraham-Hicks shares, every choice you make is because you believe it will make you feel better.

How many of you are absolutely satisfied, fully expressed and fulfilled in all aspects of your life?

Living your best life means making choices aligned with what’s most important to you. All of us are seeking lives that fill us with joy, sadly, most don’t believe that is possible.  In order to live that life of joy, balance and harmony, you have to take the time to know what matters to you.

What I have found is that many people are not even aware of the choices they are making.  Too often life has taken over with busyness rather than what’s meaningful.

What I know is that when you let the busyness of life take over, you live stressed out, burnt out, sad, depressed because you can never be satisfied when your life is built from the outside world.  You can receive a temporary fix of fun and joy but life still feels overwhelming.  It doesn’t have to be that way.  Life was not meant to be busy and unfulfilling.

You can have whatever you desire for your life.

Too often I hear that it isn’t possible for my life now -I have too many things going on right now, my life is out of control, I don’t have time for one more thing.  The truth is those are excuses.  You make time for what is important to you.  Yes, you might have lots going on.

You have to decide what you want for your life and what it is costing you to keep putting it off.  Are you going to keep living the same year over and over or are you going to live a life of meaning and purpose?

If you are feeling like it is not possible, I want you to know changes can happen even when they seem insurmountable.

In my recent Fortune magazine, 6.1.15 issue, there is an article “The War on Big Food’ by Beth Kowitt.

This is the most dynamic, disruptive and transformation time in the food business.  The top 25 U.S. food and beverage companies have lost an equivalent of $18 million in market share since 2009.  More and more shoppers are opting for fresh and organic and that is costing major packaged-food companies some serious market problems. The search for authenticity has led organic food sales to more than triple over the past decade and increase 11% last year along to $35.9 billion, according to the Organic Trade Association.

The $1 trillion-a-year food retail business is at a tipping point.  You and I created that change. We wanted simplicity and something healthier.  Just like what you want for your life.

I loved reading about it because it reminds me how transformation can happen when you stay focused on what you want even when some big obstacles appear in the way. You start by creating your life on purpose, from the inside out.  You can have what you want.  You can live in joy, happiness and contentment.

How can you remake yourself?

  • One small step at a time once you are clear about the direction you want to go.
  • Know you and your desires are worth the time it will take to pause and listen to what your heart is yearning for.
  • Then, rally teachers, coaches and others around you to help support you and can help you create a plan to live the life you love.

You can feel absolutely satisfied, fully expressed and fulfilled in all aspects of your life. 

It takes commitment and dedication to make it happen.

Are you willing to alter your life one step at a time?

And, before you know it you are at the tipping point to living the life of your dreams!

Need help clarifying what you want in your life, sign up for a complimentary discovery session at

The Most Incredible Article about Saying “No” You’ll Ever Read

Your dream is on the other side of saying “no”. You have the opportunity to create and change anything you desire. The journey to your Higher Self teaches what’s most important to you through the adventure of your choices. Some of your choices move you in the direction of your dreams and some choices take you on detours.

Successful people know the cause and effect of the choices they make. They are clear about where they are going. They know the consequences and what it costs when you allow life or others to decide what you will do.
How committed are you to your dreams? I say I am, but recently I realized how quickly my day can change.

Do you say “yes” when you mean “no”? I have been.

  • I don’t have healthy boundaries.
  • I’m afraid to use the magical word, “no”.
  • I find myself allowing other people or things to take charge of my life, to change the direction of my day. I don’t want to disappoint or upset them.
  • I don’t stay focused or clear about what I want. I let their agenda change mine.

Instead, as Stephen Covey shares speaking up with a “no” is a powerful way to saying “yes” to that which you value most important. 

This notion of not speaking up came up for me because I noticed our plans got scrapped because someone else said it was going to be another way. I was unusually upset. It wasn’t the first time this scenario had happened. I knew it was time for me to do some inner work and dig into what I needed from this because of my reaction. (What I do know is whatever is happening in my outer world is an opportunity to become my Higher Self if I allow it).

As I began asking what I needed and what type of person would on a whim decide the plans of others would be different, I realized this person was mirroring something I could use. They said what they wanted, they had the courage to speak up, and they didn’t worry about upsetting us. I needed the reminder. It was time for me to step up, be bold, be confident about what I needed so I can keep moving forward to my dream of creating my business.

The journey to your Higher Self is magical if you take time to listen what it is sending you.

Where can some self-discovery into your patterns help you live your best life and get you back on track to living your dreams? Anywhere you notice that you are out of sorts is feedback for you to discover the message. Whether you are angry about a situation like I was or you are hurt, saddened, it’s an opportunity to search below the feeling to find what is needed for you to move on.

You matter. Your dream matters. How could it be safe for you to say “no” even if it upsets others? Where do you need some courage to speak up for your dreams, for the transformation you want?

Speak up, say “no” to choices that are keeping you stuck in the past rather than propelling you toward your inspiring future.

Share with me where you need to say “no” to keep your dreams alive. How can I support you?

Sign up for a Free Discovery Session to help you stay focused on your dream!

Get Rid of Overwhelm Once and for All

What area of your life needs your attention – spiritual, mental, fun, relationships, fun, financial, emotional, fun, or career?

Where can you use the energy of springtime to revitalize your life? In one of my Facebook groups, the leader asked what words of wisdom would you tell your 18 year old self. My comment was to laugh more, not take life so seriously. What would be your message? How can you use your wisdom to create the life you love, and get out of overwhelm?

Let springtime inspire you.

 I love this time of year!


It’s refreshing, renewing, and energizing. There is new growth in yards, gardens and wildlife.

In order to have space for the new to blossom and stand out, it’s necessary to trim back the old and clean out the debris.

Life is like that.

Although, too often in life more is added without remembering to let go of the old, thus overwhelm.

Each season is a stage to become more of who you are meant to me. How can you allow the gifts of springtime to balance your life?

Free yourself. Where is it time to weed and trim back that which is no longer serving you?

  • Take a moment and really feel where you are feeling heavy burdens rather than joy in your life.
  • Clear out those situations that are no longer a priority based on the vision you now have for your life.
  • Notice if you are emotionally worn out and have taken on too much responsibility. Nature has a wonderful way of nurturing you- take a hike, sit outside and listen to the birds, build a sandbox.

Let this be a time for new growth, new outlook doing what you love for your life TODAY. What is something you would love to create? Is it creating deeper relationships, starting a garden of fresh produce to be used at your meals, or adding exercise to your life? What is it for you?

Allow this time of year to remind you it’s time to resurrect and bring some joy, fun and new life back to you!

Share with me how SPRINGTIME is inspiring you and your life.


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How I Needed to be Knocked on the Head 7 Times

How come I can’t even see my own advice? (You do know that what you share with others, is often an opportunity to look at your own life, to see how that message could be helpful for you.)

One of my recent daily tips stated, “When there is pain, it’s your body telling you that you are out of alignment with your soul and purpose.” Wake up, Dottie. If it caught my attention, and it did, it’s time for me to take notice of how that could be useful to me. Oh, no, not that, or numerous other things I saw, did I connect to what I NEEDED.

I do KNOW and BELIEVE that whenever pain happens for you, there is something deeper, emotionally, mentally, going on that is connected to the pain. In most cases, I go to my Louise Hay books, Heal Your Body & You Can Heal Your Life to gather advice about what meaning that pain has for me. In these cases, I even wrote down the affirmations which are meant to help heal and focus on what you want. (But information without actions, keeps you stuck or where you are, like I did doing nothing.) I did pick up my pain was ALL on my right side. Right side reflects masculine energy like trying to control everything, do this, then this and this is how it is needs to be done even when roadblocks appear. Surprise, surprise. I am a task master, I think I am supposed to know just how things need to happen to get achieved. (Now using some of my masculine energy is great, but the pain is telling me I am out of balance with it. And, I wasn’t listening.)

The pain started with my hand, and got worse. I could have taken notice and done something besides complaining. Then my shoulder was frozen. I went to physical therapy and got it to move but still some continuous pain. I tried ignoring but it is screaming out that something isn’t right. I figured I could control it because my body is usually in great health. Now all of a sudden, my elbow and arm are aching and my neck hurts to move. Finally, it has gotten my attention. (Yes, I need to address the physical conditions, but there is the underlying message that needs to be heard too or things don’t change!)

WHY did I let this go on for so long when I had ongoing pain for a year? Why did I have to let it go to where my body is really out of sorts now? I have missed numerous opportunities to listen to my body, and to use and listen to the inner wisdom.

All the answers are within you, telling you the next step to take, and the next step if you listen. The perfect teacher appears. I missed hearing the healing wisdom or even realizing the obvious. If my right side is aching in ALL these ways, I know that represents my masculine. I could have seen how my body was asking for more of my feminine energy. My body is asking me to balance the way I handle situations in my life. It’s asking me to honor all of who I am – both my masculine and feminine energies I have. I missed the lesson, the message, even thinking about the solution until 7 KNOCKS!

Your body is a messengerwhen or if you listen.

My body is asking me to slow down, relax, allow more of life to come to me rather than trying to make or force everything to happen.

So for me, it is time to use more of my FEMININE energy. I need my feminine energy to balance the lopsided MASCULINE energy I have been using. Instead of push, push, push to make everything happen in a certain timeline or a certain way, it’s time for me to chill, have some fun with my projects, trust the Universe, God, will provide me the next thing I need in perfect timing to accomplish all I desire. I can do it with more ease and joy. Doesn’t that sound like more fun anyway?

Where in your life are you not listening to PAIN whether physical, mental or emotional?

  • Do you need to be KNOCKED 7 TIMES before you begin to listen or see the message right before you?
  • How can you CHANGE that?
  • How can you take the lesson from my situation and stop before it has gotten out of control?
  • Where can you use some guidance from a power greater than you? From your body?

Your body is talking to you, are you LISTENING?

I’m curious. How can this information be useful for you? Do you need to slow down and live more with ease and joy, enjoy the journey, not just the destination? Share with me, I love hearing from you!


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Did You Notice the Super Bowl Ads?

Even the themes of the Super Bowl Ads were about live better, think better, be better. How many of you were as jazzed as me to see the POSITIVE messages being conveyed to one of the biggest audiences? I loved, loved all the ads with the dads spending time with their kids and being PRESENT to them.

It isn’t just me being Pollyanna or living in my fantasy world to believe that everyone can live a life of more love, joy and abundance. Or it isn’t just the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy, seeking enlightenment, finding her way back home. It is the BIG DOGS using big bucks, $$$$$$$$$$$$$, to say – You Deserve Better!

Nothing justifies the abuse displayed by some of our superheroes in the NFL – Ray Rice and our own Adrian Peterson. Certainly, life is complicated. You can’t take back the past and the pain all these people endured.

BUT, just maybe, these painful lessons can serve to make a whole lot of other peoples’ situations better. Can it be used to make the future better?

I believe that is what those ads were intending. My coaching teacher, Debbie Ford, teaches to find the GOLD IN THE DARK to heal. What that means is to extract a lesson from a challenging or painful experience that happened (you aren’t condoning or accepting the situation), and use the wisdom gained to contribute in a bigger way, to help you and others live better.

I thank the sponsors of the Super Bowl ads for speaking strongly about what I hope is going to be a new way of life and acceptance. Those “superheroes” brought the conversation to the table – the good, the bad and the ugly. This type of abuse has been accepted for too long for numerous excuses. It is no longer hidden. It is time use these situations as a “tipping point” as Malcolm Gladwell speaks. It is time to speak out for ALL people to live better, think better, be better.

That is why I was so over the top excited to see those super bowl ads!!!!

  • They are taking those horrific experiences and are giving better examples of what is EXPECTED today, that’s the gold in the dark. Remember, FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT!!!
  • They are giving a VISION for people who may not know a better way. They are showing what IS possible. The sad truth is you only know what you have seen. These POSITIVE examples have to be shown over and over. And if people see these “superheroes” acting in more loving, kind ways, then the MODEL of how we treat people can be changed.
  • These businesses had the courage to speak out and say we are no longer going to accept abuse as a way of life. It’s time to show how that can happen for all people.

I am so sorry, that those individuals had to endure the pain and suffering they did, BUT if those bad situations caused enough people to decide NOW is the time to honor and respect every person then I am hopeful that good can come from it.

Share with me where you have used the wisdom from a painful situation in your life to contribute in a bigger way.

I became a life coach after going through my divorce. I realized that I could take that pain and hurt, and help others live a more loving, joyful and abundant life once I healed.


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Sick of Hearing About Everyone’s Successes

I have read a few articles lately about how people are sick of Facebook and other places that only showcase the successes people are having. Their biggest gripe is that it isn’t real and that’s not how life is.

Well, it has agitated me. One of the things I know for sure is that whenever you notice feelings that are out of sorts like that, it is time to do some investigating. Ask yourself, what is that about, what is underneath all of that creating the annoyance for you?

For ME, I like the examples of successes, happiness or joy. Why do they matter so much to me?

Because I KNOW you get what you focus on. I LOVE, LOVE seeing possibilities from others’ lives because it tells me that might be possible for my life or it allows me to support and feel the excitement and joy for others. Those examples keep me in a HIGHER ENERGY and in a more loving space for my life.

Since my mission is to AWAKEN thousands of people to a life of more love, joy and abundance, then these posts got my attention. It pushed me to speak up and explain WHY it is so important for you to allow those feelings into your lives.

Does shit happen to you in life? YES! But, can you make lemonade out of it? Can you notice the situation and be the observer of it rather than stay in the drama of it? You can RESPOND to whatever happens to you in life rather than react to it. YOU have a choice!!!!! You can notice what happens, feel it, work through the grief or hurt but then make a plan to address it.

Try to focus more on the SOLUTION than the problem.

I do understand that it is human nature to get caught up in the negative and all the tragedy that happens in life. I know at times it can be points where you can relate to their lives. But what I am suggesting is that you connect with them more from compassion, connection and collaboration rather than in the lower energies of blame, poor me and victimization. There are too, too many examples of that surrounding us.

That is why, I am on a mission to share people’s stories in a more productive and loving space. I love when people share on Facebook and other outlets:

  • the joys and loves of their lives.
  • the reminders to celebrate how blessed our lives are.
  • the positives things happening in their lives.

I love to read or hear about how people overcome great odds, just like the two climbers, Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson, who just broke a record climbing El Capitan Mountain, a rock formation in Yosemite National Park, USA.

I’m not saying to deny or discount that life has its ebb and flow or challenges. What I’d like to do is open your mind to thinking about how much better it feels to focus on what you want on in life rather than what you don’t want.

What small change could YOU make this week in your thinking to focus on what you want rather than getting caught up in what you don’t want?

I’d love to support you in that!

Sign-up for my daily tips to more joy, love and abundance in your life.

How could you enjoy more of the successes and happiness in your life and others?


How Can Vulnerability Propel You in 2015?

It’s NEW YEAR, and with it, new opportunities. But for most people, it will not be a new year at all, but rather a time much like the past. Are you willing to live BIGGER than you have? You are the director of your life. You can choose the roles and adventure that will fulfill your dreams.

I have declared 2015 as a breakout year for me!!!!! I plan to build my coaching business. I spent 2014 learning what it takes to be an entrepreneur. How do I build my business? What does that take? I feel uncertain because I haven’t marketed a business before. I have coached clients. I love, love that. Now, I want more people to experience the benefits of that service. I need help, guidance, and an open mind to create a business.


It is scary! It is scary being a beginner when I was at the top of my game in education. I am allowing myself to be vulnerable. It is hard for me. Vulnerability means that I have to let my guard down and hold no pretenses.

Vulnerability allows you to be innocent while being strong. It allows you to be strong while being compassionate. Vulnerability allows you to open to your authentic self that has the courage and strength to survive your fears.

Vulnerability is the foundation of your power.  

So, as you think about your 2015, as James Wedmore stated, “I want to encourage you to take this time to create a year that works. A year that you LOVE!

If we met up in December, 2015, what would need to happen for you to have an extraordinary year? What did you create? What did you experience?”

Take the time now to create your 2015.
Are you like me and need to allow yourself to be VULNERABLE so you can have a breakout 2015? Are you willing to live BIGGER?
Share with me below your plans for 2015.

How You Can Have an Incredible Day

If you are ready for a game-changer in your life, take time daily to show gratitude and appreciation. The Universe LOVES gratitude!!! How are you taking advantage of how this tool can amp up your life and desires?

  • November is the perfect month to begin adding tidbits of thanks to your life.
  • It’s easy to be grateful for a great Thanksgiving meal.
  • Add a little spice to it and share appreciation for all the people who made that possible for you.
  • Use a gratitude journal each day.

William Ward shares, “God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say “thank you?”

You can attract whatever you desire with gratitude and appreciation. The way to change your world is to find things in your life in which you are grateful. What you appreciate expands.

I remember years ago when I first learned about using gratitude I was going through my divorce. My mind was so hardened and I was bitter, I couldn’t even think of things to be grateful for in my life. So embarrassing. I had SO MUCH to be grateful for because I had wonderful children, a great job, friends, a beautiful house and a great supportive family, etc.

Where could you use this month of Thanksgiving to show more gratitude and appreciation and not be like me that couldn’t even see it before my eyes?

Who would be three (3) people you could show some appreciation and gratitude for? Take some time to write them a note or email and let them know how they make a difference for you. Then notice, what an incredible day you have made!

Share with me below ways your life has changed because of receiving or giving thanks.

Focus on What YOU Want

A key to Loving Your Life is to FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT. It is sometimes easier said than done. We were recently invited to go to the Paul McCartney concert in Dallas with one of my husband’s clients. If you know us, we love to go. My husband LOVES concerts and how fun is it to see one of the Beatles? Our energy was pretty high!

As we were standing in line waiting for the doors to open, the group behind us was REALLY making an ordeal about having to wait. It was past the time the doors were to open. They were making a scene about it. It made me think about how often in life I have done this same thing- focusing on the negative rather than on what I want. I have spent endless energy on complaining rather than enjoying the opportunity I was given. I mean we were in line to see Paul McCartney. The evening was beautiful. They were with friends or family. It was to be an evening full of fun and entertainment.

As you think about creating the life you love, where in your life are you focusing more on what you DON’T want rather than on what you want? It is said that you have 60,000 thoughts in a day and approximately 80% of them are the same as yesterday. Marci Shimoff says that 75% of them are negative, which means focusing on what you don’t want. How can YOU break that and create the life you love?

Below share with me one idea you can take to focus on creating the life you love. What shift can you make to have more of your thoughts on the life you LOVE? Begin today to make your mantra – focus on what I want!