It’s time to take the limits off of what you think your life can be.
Imagine the world you would see if abundance was what you saw in more situations.
What if you changed your inner game? Believe something greater is possible. I am amazed at how many people say, “Be realistic.” “Be okay with where you are.”
I am super grateful for where I am. I love, love my life. But what I’ve learned in this process is there is a great big world out there if I am willing to be open to receive it.
Just think about how much you can receive when you quit being resistant or thinking small?
Think of the abundance of energy that flows in your body when you aren’t constricted. The difference can be being healthy and not so.
Think of how much your body can relax when you aren’t uptight or trying to be right. Another thought or possibility can show up.
Instead of resisting, just notice when you are thinking differently than what is presented. Not right or wrong. Just hmm, or let the thoughts pass.
It’s your thinking that will keep you in lack. You don’t have to attach to whatever comes up, which keeps you in lack. Rather, stay open to another idea, to an abundance of solutions or ideas. For so long, I was resistant to anything but public education. But recently, I have seen a number of people feeling that their children are enjoying the learning they are receiving. When I look under why I thought that way, I want to protect and make sure ALL children have the options and opportunities to learn and achieve. Why – I believe education is your ticket to whatever you want. So my shift has been, it doesn’t matter how that is, just that all children have a chance to learn at their highest potential. Not be in resistance of one way that it has to happen.
How can you notice abundance instead of lack?
Is it in your thinking?
Is it in your understanding about where abundance can be?
Abundance is everywhere.
If you begin to notice the abundance all around you, then more abundance can come to you if you are allowing it. For instance, this time of year, there seems to be an abundance of leaves falling down. There is an abundance of joy for your favorite football league.
Too often you are limited in the way you think of abundance as only to do with money or stuff.
You have abundance in the choices you can make.
There is abundance in beauty, kindness and goodness.
There is an abundance of love all around.
There are an abundant amount of opportunities you can have each day.
How are you noticing abundance over lack in your all day every day?
What shifts or changes do you need to make to see through new eyes of seeing abundance everywhere?
I know when I started trying “to see more through the eyes of God,” it took a lot of consciousness and discipline for me. I can say I catch myself more often these days because it is something I truly want. I can see where I go off track pretty easily too.
Allow yourself some grace as you look to see how beautifully designed our world is full of abundance for your taking.
Take the limits off yourself.
Create your world full of abundance.
Be amazed.